Overcoming Comparison and Celebrating Small Wins

Ellyen Darananta
2 min readNov 10, 2023


Do you ever feel inferior? As if the achievements you’ve attained aren’t worth celebrating because others have achieved something greater than you? You’ve worked really hard to get where you are now, and though you’re supposed to be happy, something within you just can’t?

I lack the words to explain this feeling, but just because I can’t name it doesn’t mean it isn’t there,right? The feeling lingers, strongly. I’ve tried talking to people, but they don’t seem to get it. I’ve tried journaling and every possible way I could, yet the feeling doesn’t go away. Well, sometimes it just fades out, but it never really vanishes.

A little story about me, I was born into a loving family, but being the youngest among accomplished siblings adds a unique pressure. I always felt I had to prove myself, but it seemed like no matter what I achieved, it wasn’t as good as theirs. The joy of celebration fades, overshadowed by the relentless pursuit of outdoing those who came before me. So, I stopped celebrating because I always felt like I wasn’t good enough.

So, who’s to blame? I used to think it was my siblings, my parents, or maybe just societal expectations. But after some thinking, I realized the problem lies with me.

I am the architect of my own discontent. I’ve been too caught up in comparing myself to others.

This constant comparison has taken a toll on my enthusiasm. I’m not the same proud and excited person I used to be. It’s sad, isn’t it? I’ve spent a long time wondering if it’s my siblings’ fault or my parents’ fault, but in the end, it’s on me.

I’ve started to see that comparing myself to others is slowly hurting me. I forget that we all have different starting points and face unique challenges. It’s not fair to measure success the way I’ve been doing it.

So, I’m changing my mindset.

Every little achievement, no matter how small, deserves a celebration. Even if I’m the only one cheering for myself, that’s okay.

It’s a journey to rediscover the joy and pride in what I do.



Ellyen Darananta

Exploring life's journey one word at a time. IG : @e.drnts