How to Buy $CDOG Tokens?

Step-by-Step Guide

Cypherdog Security Inc.
7 min readFeb 9, 2022

Welcome to $CDOG presale! In this article, we explain how to participate in the $CDOG presale by answering the following questions:

1. How to install MetaMask wallet?

2. How to receive and send funds in MetaMask wallet?

3. How to connect Ledger to MetaMask wallet?

4. How to connect MetaMask to Polygon Mainnet?

5. How to buy Polygon MATIC and send it to MetaMask wallet?

6. How to buy $CDOG tokens with MATIC?

1. How to install MetaMask wallet?

You can watch a short video.

If you’d prefer to read.

1. First, you need to go to or enter it manually. When you are on the website, recheck the address. When you do so, click the Chrome browser icon.

2. On the next page, click add to Chrome.

3. Click “Add extension” to proceed with the installation.

4. Click “Get started” with MetaMask.

5. You will need to create a new wallet.

6. On the next page, click “I Agree.”

7. Here, you will need to create a MetaMask password. Make sure to write it down because every time you are login in with that password. Also, make sure the password is unique and not used before with other accounts and websites.

8. Click to reveal the secret words. Make sure to write down all 12 words and secure them in a safe place. The only way to restore your wallet in the future is with the secret backup phrase. If you lose it, you could lose all money in the wallet.

9. Confirm 12 words in order.

10. Congratulations, you have installed MetaMask wallet!

Now, you know how to install MetaMask. Let’s see how to add funds.

2. How to receive and send funds in MetaMask wallet?

You can watch a short video.

If you’d prefer to read.

  1. We have already successfully installed MetaMask and the secret backup phrase is in a safe place. So now, let’s see how to receive funds in the wallet. The process is straightforward. First, click on the 3 dots, and after that, click account details.

2. In the next window, you have two options. You can either scan the QR code with the device where your other wallet is installed and send the funds or copy the address below the QR code and manually paste it into the wallet you want to send it from. Make sure the address matches after pasting it.

3. Sending a transaction from MetaMask is easy. First, click “Send” after you log in to the wallet with the password.

4. After that copy, the address from the wallet you want to send the funds and paste it in MetaMask, and you are good to go.

3. How to connect Ledger to MetaMask?

MetaMask is a web wallet. Because of that, your money is exposed and could be stolen by hackers. Fortunately, MetaMask allows integration of Ledger and Trezor hardware wallets for extra security. I will show you how to connect Ledger Nano S to MetaMask. But if you have Trezor, the process is similar. If you want to check more about Ledger Nano S and how to set it up, check this article. In essence, by connecting hardware wallet to MetaMask, the hackers will not be able to steal your funds. They will need access to your Ledger device or its secret backup phrase.

Before we start, make sure your browser and Ledger wallet are up to date. Ledger live App should be closed, and hardware wallet connected to your PC or laptop (where MetaMask is installed). Unlock your Ledger device and open Ethereum App on it.

  1. First, click at the top right, and after that, select “Connect Hardware Wallet.”

2. Connect hardware wallet, enter the pin, and open the Ethereum app on the device. After that, select Ledger and click “Connect.”

3. Choose Ledger Live (make sure everything with Ledger wallet is up to date as I mentioned above). Choose account below and click “Unlock.”

Congratulations! You connected Ledger Nano S with MetaMask. The picture below shows how it looks like when you open the wallet.

4. How to connect MetaMask to Polygon Mainnet?

Switch the connected blockchain by clicking on the tab saying “Main Ethereum Network,” we need to add the OEC network.

Scroll down until you find Custom RPC.

Enter in the OEC Mainnet details as follows:

· Network Name: Polygon

· New RPC URL:

· ChainID: 137

· Symbol: MATIC

· Block Explorer URL:

Click “Save.”

You are now connected to the Polygon Mainnet with your MetaMask wallet.

5. How to buy Polygon MATIC and send it to MetaMask wallet?

  1. Use

Click “Buy Crypto.”

Choose MATIC Polygon as currency you will buy. Click “Continue.”

Copy your wallet address from MetaMask and past here and then click “Continue.”

Add your email address and click “Continue.”

Add verification code sent to you in the email and then click “Continue.”

Add your data and click “Continue.”

Add your address and then click “Continue.”

Add your credit card data and click “Continue.”

Agree with terms and click “Buy now.” If your credit card needs app confirmation, please confirm on your phone and then in few minutes MATIC will be available in your MetaMask wallet.

6. How to Buy $CDOG tokens with MATIC?

You can watch a short video.

If you’d prefer to read.

GO to Uniswap V3

Click ”Launch App”

Click “Choose Blockchain (Ethereum)”

Choose ”Polygon”

Click „Connect Wallet”

Choose ”MetaMask”

Click ”Select a token”

Click ”Manage Token Lists”

Click ”Tokens”

Past CDOG token address: 0x990a524ebc0a54fd2a7ebc02a1ce54d309fb5cd3

Choose ”CDOG”

Choose amount in MATIC and then proceed. MATIC will be changed into CDOG tokens and will be on your wallet. Do not forget to add tokens to your wallet. On MetaMask on MATIC Network click in the bottom “Import Tokens.”

Then paste address of CDOG token:


and add it to the list.

Welcome on board!

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Cypherdog Security Inc.

Cypherdog offers secure e-mail encryption and messaging with no third-party access to data and absolute protection of the private key.