Documentary Photography Talk

James Allen

Eliza Naish
2 min readMar 3, 2017

Advice & Notes:

  • Graduated in Photography in 2012 from Falmouth University
  • Works as freelancer photographer
  • Produces personal projects
  • Suggests looking at internships that are paid to gain true experience
  • Interact with people to ensure that you have a strong project
  • Don’t be frightened to talk to people
  • Your personal work has to stand out; make it relavent. This would include current projects such as Brexit, Trump and other political issues
  • Make the work seem timeless but also important for the era
  • Be empathetic towards people and always be humble
  • Appreciate where you are and where you can go as a photographer
  • Employers remember you for being polite and outgoing
  • Be an expert on the subject that you’re studying. Don’t get caught out on not knowing what your own project is about
  • Don’t give up on projects or being a photographer in a creative industry; you have to stay positive
  • Make sure as a graduate in photography that you do not produce work for ‘exposure’. Ensure that you get paid, people are willing to avoid paying photographers or other creatives
  • It is important to have a constantly updated website and easy accessed site to expose work
  • With internships, make sure they’re also paid and ensure that it is relevant in the area you want to go into eventually — Look at internships for The Guardian and The Telegraph
  • Keep networking with people
  • It is important to show your work to new people and make sure that work is constantly updated on sites
  • Instagram is a key site to use publicly
  • Have business cards to hand out to people who are interested in in your work and ensure they’re suitable to hand out
  • Learn business and be good at it!

