Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring

1 min readApr 7, 2024
Photo by Joel Holland on Unsplash

Spring rolls in like a friendly neighbor, knocking on the door after a long while. The sun hangs around a bit longer each day like it’s got more time to spare. Trees start to dress up in green, showing off new leaves fresh out of the box. And the flowers, well, they’re just showing off with all their colors.

The air feels different, too. It’s like it’s taken a deep breath and decided to chill out. You can step outside without bundling up in a million layers, and it feels good to feel the breeze that’s not trying to freeze your ears off.

Birds are back at it, chirping like there’s no tomorrow. It’s their little morning show, and everyone’s invited. The whole place is buzzing, critters running around, getting busy with whatever they’ve been missing during the cold months.

And the best part? Everything feels fresh, like hitting the restart button. The grass looks greener, the sky bluer, and the rain doesn’t seem so bad. It’s washing away the old, and making room for the new. That’s spring for you, a welcome break from the cold, and a nudge to get out and enjoy the day.




Storyteller. Content Writer and Poet. Writing topics on personal development and self-care. I write short fiction, poems and real-life experiences too.