Secrets of the aura: what is its origin and how does it affect your body

Evgeniya Ershova
4 min readNov 22, 2023


Aura meaning — mysterious energy field surrounding a person. Its existence undoubtedly attracts attention, and various cultures around the world attach special importance to it. Let’s delve into the study of the origin of the aura and consider how different cultures interpret this energetic phenomenon.

At the very core of the concept of an aura is the idea that a person has an energetic body that extends beyond the physical. This energy body is called by different names in different traditions, such as “prana” in Indian philosophy, or “chi” in traditional Chinese medicine. According to these ideas, the aura is a visual manifestation of energy.

The meaning of the aura in different cultures

  1. Indian culture: Prana and Chakras

In Indian culture, the aura is closely related to the concept of “prana” — vital energy. Traditional teachings also state that a person has centers of energy called chakras that form his aura. Each chakra is associated with certain aspects of life and has its own color.

2. Chinese culture: Qi and Meridians

In traditional Chinese medicine, the aura correlates with the concept of “qi” or “chi”. Qi works its way through the meridians, energy channels in the body. Disturbances in the flow of qi can affect the aura and overall health.

3. Egyptian culture: Ka and Ba

In ancient Egypt, the aura was associated with two aspects of the soul: “ka” and “ba”. “Ka” was associated with individual vitality, and “ba” with personality. Both aspects affect a person’s aura.

4. Tibetan culture: Tummo and Zhung-lu

In Tibetan Buddhism, the aura is associated with the concept of “zhung-lu” — the energy body. Tummo is a practice aimed at harmonizing energy in the body, which, in turn, affects the aura.

5. Western Traditions: Esotericism and Auroral vision

In Western esoteric traditions, the aura is often seen as a multicolored glow around a person. Practices based on this view include aural vision, through which people claim to see and interpret auras.

The influence of the aura on a person

Aura can affect a person in different areas:

Emotional well-being: It is believed that a clean and balanced aura is associated with a good emotional state. Bringing the aura into harmony can support positive emotions, reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

Physical health: In some traditions, it is assumed that the state of the aura is associated with the physical health of a person. Maintaining a healthy aura can help strengthen the immune system and overall physical well-being.

Interpersonal relationships: It is believed that the state of the aura can influence interaction with other people. A pure and luminous aura can attract positive relationships, while a dark or vague aura can create difficulties in communication.

Spiritual development: In esoteric traditions, it is believed that the aura is associated with the spiritual development of a person. The development of the aura can be accompanied by the expansion of consciousness, the deepening of meditative practice and spiritual discoveries.

Intuition and clairvoyance: Some argue that a pure aura can contribute to the development of intuition and clairvoyance, which allows you to better perceive energy and information from the outside world.

How to physically feel the aura

Some people interested in esotericism and alternative practices describe various physical sensations in the context of aural perception:

Heat and Cold: Some claim to feel heat or cold in certain areas around their body, which can be interpreted as a manifestation of the aura energy.

Shimmer or Shine: People can describe visual effects such as shimmer or shine around themselves or other people.

Lightness or heaviness: Some describe feeling light or heavy in the air around their body or other objects.

Electrical or magnetic sensations: There are reports that people feel electrical or magnetic influences in the aura area.

Emotional reactions: Some associate physical sensations with emotional states, claiming that the aura can manifest itself through changes in feelings and emotions.

“Depending on the life of an individual, everyone has their own aura color, these colors are interpreted as a special energy reflecting the state of emotions, physical health and spiritual development of a person.”

Some aura colors and their meaning:

Red: Energy and passion:

The red color aura means a high level of energy, passion and willpower.

Orange: Warmth and creativity:

Orange aura means enthusiasm, creativity and warmth of a person.

Yellow: Intelligence and joy:

Yellow aura colors meaning intelligence and joy.

Green: Love and Healing:

Green aura meaning love, healing and harmony.

Blue: Calm and Spirituality:

Blue aura color meaning is associated with spiritual development, calmness and intuition.

Purple: Spirituality and Intuition:

Purple aura meaning is highest levels of spirituality, intuition and inner knowledge.

Pink: Love and Compassion:

The pink aura is associated with feelings of love, compassion and kindness.

To feel and influence the aura, you need to practice relaxing your mind, focusing on yourself and your feelings. You can relax and listen to your body and mind with the help of meditations and breathing exercises.

Despite the lack of scientific support for the existence of auras in the energy sense, the topic of the human aura has been exciting people’s minds for centuries, and various cultures have offered their own interpretations of this phenomenon. Also, this topic remains interesting for those who explore the spiritual and esoteric aspects of human nature.

Already today there are many available ways to find out the color of the aura and feel your aura energy. One of these ways is the Aura app, it shows the colors and energy level of your Aura in various spheres of life, and daily practices in the app will help improve it, and then your life.



Evgeniya Ershova

Co-faunder Wit Apps LLC, a tech company that constructs global enterprises specializing in mobile-first products.