Hardware Startups, Get Your Logistics Right!

3 min readJan 10, 2018


Startup field is no more dominated by the SaaS movements. Plenty of hardware startups are escalating fast. From ecommerce to agriculture and even governance, their breathtaking innovation is all set to conquer the market.

But, to draw the complete circle, they need to get their logistic right. Without logistic, they can not survive the cut-throat competition and draw audience or organization towards them.

Why is logistic so important for the hardware startups? Let’s find out-

Faster delivery kickstarts faster operation

Hardware startups mostly, compete with each other to be the prime resource of organizations who are in a large operation to build up a product. The pace of the operation must not be affected. Here, the question of faster delivery arises. More prompt the delivery is, better the flow of the operation. In result, the entire e-commerce eco-system becomes safe and secure when hardware startups start delivering their products on time.

Getting customer love

On the other hand, hardware startups which are B2C, always need to reach out to their customers within the scheduled date and time. A miss here and the startups will fail to catch the audience. This is where the competition becomes stiff and the need for the robust logistics comes upfront.

Considering the differences a hardware (any tool, device or a tech product) commodity makes to a buyer’s life decides the importance of the logistics to roll in the business at the right direction.

Even inside a consumer-to-consumer marketplace, the need for faster delivery is the key to foster and scale up.

Today, every business is targeting to deliver the product to the customer door. When this has become a norm, the hardware startups do not have any other option to follow the trend and provide the hassle-free, quick and responsive delivery.

Reach early to amend mistakes

When we talk about the logistic, we often forget the behind the scene journey of the product. What happens after a product gets delivered? What if the product fails to catch up the imagination and the customer wants to change it? How can a startup come up with a breakthrough even though the customers are not happy with the product?

In case of the hardware, overlooking it will be a major catastrophe as often the products get a “NO” from the customer. There will be no option to correct the mistakes and happy the customers with a quick fix.

Logistic is the catalyst to make the difference. Faster the startup take the product back from the buyer, review and give a new one, there will be more chances to get a positive feedback from the customer, a must for the hardware startup to float and fight.

Along with all these benefits, a good logistic will help the hardware startups to scale up fast and expand the business, even on foreign soil.

If you want to grow your hardware startup big, improve you’re logistic now.




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