eSkillz Games — The Future of Sports Gaming

eSkillz Games
3 min readJul 1, 2022


eSkillz Games is a new Play And Earn GameFi project focused on realistic sports games. Our goal is to change the way sports games are made and played, and the incredible power of Crypto will enable us to do this. This article explains how.


In order to revolutionize sports gaming/sports games and be a key part of its future, we want to appeal to all gamers, not just crypto enthusiasts. And to do this, we will ensure that anyone can play and earn in any of our games and metaverse even if they don’t have a wallet or any prior experience with crypto. We will also provide education, guidance, and assistance in not only creating and using a wallet but in other areas like spending or transferring any tokens they’ve earned.

Typical P2E games are entrenched in crypto and only aimed at crypto admirers which makes them off-putting to everyone else. We will provide a more traditional game experience at first glance, then lure new players in, slowly introduce them to crypto, and convert them to crypto enthusiasts.

It’s vital that we reduce the number of potential barriers, especially at the start of the gaming experience.


Through the power of decentralization, we can transform not only how projects are owned, but also how they’re run. We are big believers in putting power into the hands of our investors, no matter how small, and letting them take charge as this is the core tenet of web3. Over time we will create a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) to own and run the project.

Web 3.0

The combination of Decentralization and Blockchain is perfect for eSkillz Games and the future of sports gaming.

Free To Play

It is essential that anyone can just start playing our games. There will be no need to purchase tokens or NFTs to start playing.

Play And Earn

We will focus on Play and Earn (P&E) as opposed to Play To Earn (P2E). Rather than having to grind away for hours to earn something, we will ensure players start earning immediately by using skills. It is vital that players be rewarded little and often, to produce a compelling gameplay loop.


20 years of games industry experience has taught us the value of fun. By giving people a good experience they will come back for more and also refer us by telling their friends.


eSkillz NFTs will be completely focused on utility, rather than traditional art-based NFTs. Ours will provide all sorts of bonuses, perks, and boosts.

Investors and holders of our NFTs will have the option of leveling up their NFTs and selling them in their improved states for higher prices.

eSkillz NFTs will also be able to be rented out for an agreed price and time.


A lot of P2E projects pay lip service to the Metaverse while providing a basic experience. For us, we want the experience to be different as we believe the Metaverse is the most important aspect of the eSkillz platform. We are developing a fully-fledged virtual world, with everything sports-related contained therein. As well as sports games, eSports, sports betting, and more, the Metaverse and Blockchain will allow us to create a dedicated economy for all sports-related jobs and more. From player, fan, agent, and coach, to stadium owner, franchise owner, commentator, tournament organizer, and more.

The potential to produce a digital version of all things sports-related that is owned by the fans and run for the fans is the defining goal of the eSkillz Games project.

To find out more Follow us on Twitter: @eSkillzNFT

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eSkillz Games

eSkillz Games is a Web3 gaming studio founded in October 2021. We build realistic sports games with an economy focused on PvP skill-based wagering.