UFO: What Are They Really? 1 of 2

Explore the mystery of unidentified flying Objects through three compelling theories. Extraterrestrial technology or parallel dimensions? Join us on this journey into the paranormal.

5 min readNov 28, 2023

The parallel universes that make up the multiverse are mutually invisible because the structures of the multiverse are hidden by the reality principles of complex numbers in quantum physics.” — Amit Ray

Content in a Flash:

0. UFO theories: What Are UFOs Really? — Ufological Phenomena as Unrationalizable manifestations;

1. Theory Number One — Technological UFOs. UFOs and Extraterrestrials as Real Physical Entities;

2. Theory Number Two — The Paraphysical Hypothesis. UFOs as Entities from “Subtle Dimensions”;

0. UFO theories: What Are UFOs Really?.

Ufological phenomena are, first and foremost, unrationalizable phenomena.

These are phenomena that, by their very nature, escape our ability to rationalize and categorize them through conventional scientific parameters.

They are enigmas that compel us to confront the unknown and grapple with the incredible. Faced with such manifestations, rationalism, which often represents our stronghold of security, wavers, and we find ourselves exploring unknown territories beyond the…




Passionate researcher and writer unraveling ancient mysteries & present-day UFO phenomena. Let's explore together! 🌌 #History #UFOs