Abstruct Vision

e-Sport Betting Coin
10 min readAug 17, 2018

ABSTRACT Currently, the whole market of e-Sport is growing at a tremendous pace. The number of disciplines, divisions, teams, spectators, sponsors and investors is increasing. To find the specific reason for this growth turned out to be an achievable task: People are attracted to cybersports by its entertainment Accessibility of viewing and participation for ordinary people Marketing and advertising efforts from developers and organizers Element of betting, as in any other sport. Nevertheless, the sites that are currently engaged in the development of the e-Sport betting direction do not use blockchain technology, from which they could benefit enormously. We believe that the future lies in the blockchain, and that e-Sport betting coin will promote the vision of a decentralized platform for e-Sport fans and participants, which will be: (1) allow users to make anonymous bets on matches e-Sport team (2) automate the process of obtaining winnings (3) make trading transactions in-game items Perhaps the main problem of many sites that currently operate on the market is the use of incredibly high commissions — up to more than 25–30% of the interest before any payment processing.The need for registration and confirmation of identity. And also a very slow process of deduction of the winnings to the account of the user. The whole process is inefficient and takes a lot of time, limiting the scope of potential participants. Thus, e-Sport Betting Coin will become an all-in-one platform for all types of planned tasks We plan to organize the most decentralized betting system, with small commissions for transactions, minimum commissions for portal betting, simple and direct exchange of in-game items between users. Your success is our success

Your success is our success!


ESBC is built off an advanced, hybrid Proof-o f-Work (PoW), Proof-ofStake (PoS), and Masternode (MN) system. The official abbreviation for the coin is ESBC. The total supply will be 21,000,000 ESBC . In regards to each block, there’s about a 1 minute combined target, with both 1 minute for POS and POW. The advanced difficulty algorithm that the coin implements allows for retargeting every block, as well as time warp and instamining protection. The block reward is likely variable during the time life of the coin. Below is a breakdown of the PoW/PoS/MN rewards over time:

Proof of Work / Proof of Stake

The Proof of Work (PoW) system, in regard to cryptocurrency, was first designed and built by Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin. The idea inherently refers to a piece of data which is difficult to produce but yet simple for others to look at and verify, allowing for a network or individual to easily prove validity. In Bitcoin, the PoW system helps to ensure the security of the network through block mining. Each node currently deciding to participate in mining is required to go and solve a computationally difficult problem to ensure the new block’s validity. The first successful node is allocated a reward. The PoW system, as a whole, is fair throughout in the sense that a miner with fraction of the total computational power can win the reward and create a block with the probability up. An individual contributing more computational power will earn the reward more often than an individual contributing less, in spite of the fact that luck plays a role. Even so, there are some glaring flaws throughout. For one, 51% attacks are a real possibility. attacks are a real possibility. The Proof of Stake (PoS) system, on the other hand, was first designed and implemented by Peercoin. The idea is simple — instead of mining power, the probability to create a block and receive the associated reward is proportional to the user’s ownership stake. An individual stakeholder who has p fraction of the total number of coins in circulation creates a new block with up probability. The reasoning behind the protocol is that the users with the highest stake in the system would have the most interest overall to maintain a secure network. If the network is attacked, it stands to reason that they would have the most to lose. Also, the only way to mount a successful 51% attack on the network in a PoS system would be to acquire a 51% stake of the currency, which would be almost impossible or incredibly expensive for an up-and-coming currency. In spite of all this, a PoS network does come with somevulnerabilities. Because of the fact that the network is not aware ofanything except for the blockchain, there is nothing physical anchoringthe blockchain in reality. As a result, there are many methods that caninfluence and harm the network. One specifically is called a “bribe” attack, in which the attacker performs a spending transaction he wants to reverse later, builds up a false chain after the transaction, and publishes it once it’s longer than the valid chain, reversing the original transaction. Although this is possible on a PoW network, it’s much cheaper and easier on one built solely from PoS. Because of this, e-Sport Betting Coin employs a hybrid network that includes both PoW and PoS components This allows for it to enjoy both the benefits from each as well as the increased security that such a compound model possesses. Masternodes A Masternode is simply a node that keeps a full copy of the blockchain in-real time. It is active 24/7, and is always interacting with other nodes to make a fully stable and performing decentralized network. Masternodes can:

● Increase transaction privacy

● Allow instant send

● Participate in governance/voting

● Enable budgeting and treasury system

Running a Masternode helps the network throughout, as there will always be a stable node, with multiple connections around the world, running. As a reward for hosting one of these Masternodes, ESBC will be paid to your wallet on a recurrent basis. What do you Need to Run a Masternode?

● Collateral: 1,500 ESBC

● A VPS or a server to host the wallet 24/7

● A dedicated IP address

● Some storage space to keep a copy of the blockchain

In order to ensure that the MN owner doesn’t cheat or corrupt the system, a collateral becomes necessary, as the operator needs has something at stake in the environment. We decided to set this collateral as 1,500 ESBC, as computed with the total supply and blocks in the code. Allocation / Premine e-Sport Betting Coin currently is specified to only have 21,000,000 total coins. Of those, we took little premine (65,000 ESBC) to cover managerial and other issues relevant to the growth and development of the coin long-term as we believe to be necessary. It also includes 30,000 ESBC (20 x 1,500 ESBC) that will be auctioned off to run the first MasterNodes before block 3000.


Ticker: ESBC
Max Supply: 21,000,000
Coinbase maturity: 720 blocks
Target block time: 60 secound
Block Reward = Dynamic
PoW algorithm: Quark


At the moment, we see the growth of the entertainment market, but many do not know that video games are currently driving growth in “entertainment.” According to all indicators, video games have already caught up with such a direction as the cinematographer. Cibersport is a part of the general concept of video games, but at the moment it is still at the development stage and in the future we will see how the share of e-sports in the overall revenue of “video games” will grow. We can confidently talk about this, as you know now many large organizations are interested in e-sports. For example, in Europe, it is planned to create a league on cyber football under the play of real football clubs. There is also a serious interest on the part of the International Olympic Committee on the inclusion of a number of disciplines in the program of the Olympic Games. Cybersport very soon will enter the society on an equal footing with traditional sports, for this there are a number of reasons:

1) The main backbone of the audience is in the most active age. Many boys who were born in the early 21st century — now already have a stable job and their families. But it was in their childhood that the concept of e-sports appeared, being children they themselves were fond of computer games. And now when they have matured and can no longer devote a lot of time to their youthful hobbies — but interest in such entertainments still remains — watching competitions of teams in the most famous arenas of the world is a favorite entertainment.

2) Accessibility for viewing matches. Cybersport is laying a new direction for access to its broadcasts. Previously, traditional TV sports needed TV and subscription to paid channels, but even paid channels could not ensure the display of every match of each team. All the blame was copyright, or rather outdated model of distribution of content by the traditional method, almost complete lack of opportunity to see the repetition of anyone, any match. e-Sports has solved this problem, on such portals as Twitch — users can watch hundreds of different matches of different teams from anywhere in the world.

3) Accessibility for participation. It’s no secret that the champions of the world on cybersport disciplines are unique people with a ruled tallant. But there are dozens of leagues for non-professional e-sportsmen, where everyone, regardless of their skills, can participate. This leads to a greater popularity of e-sports among young people, which subsequently increases the audience.

Below is available infographics on various aspects of the e-eSports market:


We have long analyzed the performance of competing platforms, their algorithms and formulas. And they came to a clear understanding, at the present moment this segment of the e-sports market is very unfair to its users. Most of the projects will leave 15–17% of each bet made in favor of the portal owners. We really want to change this, our priority is the platform users. Therefore, we will seek to reduce the portal’s commission to the minimum level. Moreover, we are sure that we can make the portal’s minimum commission among all competitors, this will give us a significant advantage. We can not disclose the mathematical formula of the work of our platform, it is the commercial secret of the team of dev. But we can say with confidence that the winnings of users of our platform will be 12–16% higher than on other analogic resources in the network. Our betting portal will use the ESBC coin as the only betting currency, but we will also make it possible to deposit ingame items from the games. Also, each user will choose in which form to receive winnings, coins, ESBC, in-game item or code for downloading the game. This step will allow us to develop our project and will add value to the ESBC coin, since from now on our currency will not be a simple tool for stock trading, but will be a real means of exchanges between gamers around the world.


We originally planned to use our coin for a calculation tool between gamers. But during the planning and analysis of the market, we were shocked by the established commissions of the main competitors. At the moment, competitors charge with exchange of the in-game item from 7 to 15% of the transaction amount. This is extremely unfair to users. We want to make exchanges between users fast and cheap, reliable and profitable. And we came to the conclusion that our commission in that direction should not be used by 1%. We are really sure, our projects can earn not with big commissions, but with huge volumes of transactions, and we will move in this direction. Creating a strong community and large volumes of exchanges is a priority for us. At the moment, we have huge plans for the future, but we are forced to open not all our plans in this document in the form of commercial secrets.


Another direction of our development is the creation of a marketplace for gamers, where there will be available trade in in-game items and codes for games between users. Again, the rivalries of competitors surprise us. Take 10% of the transaction for the fact that on your platform, the buyer and seller met? — this is extremely greedy. Even such huge players like Steam take 10% off each deal for themselves, it’s unforgivable, it’s a good business, but awful service. We will change this once and for all. Our users will no longer pay big commissions! Our commissions will not exceed 1–2%, this is enough to fully finance the work of the trading platform. We really think that we need to organize an independent platform where gamers will sell and buy any in-game items among themselves.

Website: http://esbproject.online/


White paper : https://www.esbproject.online/uploads/esbc-wp0.9.pdf

Windows wallet : https://github.com/BlockchainFor/ESportBettingCoin/files/2290089/EsportBettingCoin_windows.zip

Github: https://github.com/BlockchainFor/ESportBettingCoin

Telegram: https://t.me/e_betting

Twitter: https://twitter.com/e_betting

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2119238971663027/about/

Medium: https://medium.com/@e_betting

BTT announcement: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4889530.0

