The Nine stages of Ego Development

2 min readSep 17, 2023


When assessing authorship and the responses to articles one could be advised to consider some basics, which are facts, sponsorship and in-depth research. One big factor often overlooked is the maturity of debate and engagement by the individual or organisation. Many people will defend a position without considered reflection or be aggressive and demeaning in their response. Often referred to as proto-adults, they are rarely genuine sceptics but people who will deny any argument, despite evidence,to protect their pre determined position. A great aid to assessing such individuals is the work by Dr Susan Cooke-Greuter on ego development. Everyone should read her theory on this matter (link below). A brief overview of those stages I list as a appetiser. It is a brilliant and comprehensive aid for those wishing to understand trolling and those abusive responses, to your admissions.
Below is a listing of the 9 stages (not including stage 1 as applicable to under 3 years of age).

% indicates the percentage of US citizens. The majority are ensconced in protecting personal and corporate egos of being right when confronted with challenging perceptions.

The linked pdf expands the characteristics of each stage. Although it may appear hierarchical, it really is a spiral projection……read and enjoy.

Impulsive/ (2; Δ). >10%

Conformist (Δ3; 3)
Self-conscious (3/4)
Conscientious (4). >75%

Individualist (4/5)
Autonomous (5). >12%

Construct-aware(5/6). >2%

Post egoism — Unitive (6). >1%

link to pdf

Originally published at on September 17, 2023.

