beth bell
2 min readJun 1, 2018

To open here is a little bit about me…I am fortunate enough to get to manage a boarding kennel for dogs. When I realized I could go work with dogs and not have to have a specialized degree to do so I jumped at the opportunity. This blog is going to be about the dogs I get to take care of…also to help me start writing again. I have a degree in film. I use to write stories and screenplays and plays for the stage. My path was very bent and wound around for a long time, but now there is a focus. Dogs and parrots at work. At home two sweet cats. Basically animals are my focus. I want have a ranch some day, a sanctuary for all kinds of creatures.

But here I’m just going to start writing about the dogs and Caesar, the Amazon parrot.

This is Keller. She is deaf and blind. She is amazing. I was fortunate enough to find her sunbathing on a Sunday. It was this beautiful and spiritual moment. One of those moments where you feel everything is right with the world. It brought me peace because I knew she was feeling the same thing. It was a moment that I could feel the universe hugging us both. ❤️