How Simple Acts Of Gratitude Can Change Our Lives.

Impact Creations
4 min readJul 12, 2023
Credit: Gabrielle Henderson


We hear a lot about gratitude these days, so what is it?

“Give thanks for things in all circumstances.”

We generally associate gratitude, thankfulness, or gratefulness with a feeling of appreciation for someone’s kindness.

But the gift of life is also someone’s kindness, even though we never met/her. Stop to think. You have life today, but countless numbers never did.

You woke up buzzing in good health today, a job in tow, but millions are not fortunate. You appreciate the gift of life even more when you recognize that your right to existence is never guaranteed.

I read a life-changing, transformative story about a wealthy Texan couple wanting to have multiple children.

After several trials in so many years, they could only muster one, a disabled daughter at birth.

“With wisdom, a house was built; the rooms are filled with every kind of riches, both precious and pleasant.”

The gift of life is what we can never fathom, shape or purchase from the store. We do not always have control over the circumstances of life.

For our continued existence, we are all at the mercy of the ONE that gives life.

Now the daughter is eighteen years old and apparently will not walk during her lifetime.

Being thankful for life, and everything else, however dire our circumstances, is an acknowledgment and an appreciation of life: that there is a greater power more significant than ourselves.

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is more than the simple “thank you” we utter as a polite acknowledgment when we receive a gift of someone’s kindness.

A grateful heart is an awareness valued by many cultures around the globe. It is an acknowledgment and an appreciation of what matters most, regardless of the circumstances we find ourselves in.

While some see gratitude as a subjective and personal experience, scientific research has started to uncover its profound impact on our well-being.

The Positive Psychology Perspective:

Research suggests that gratitude can enhance our overall happiness and satisfaction in life. Focus intentionally on what matters, what you are grateful for, and your brain starts to release neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with pleasure and contentment.

Improves Mental Health:

Consider the simple act of being thankful for all things in all circumstances. Multiple studies have demonstrated it can positively impact reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

When we appreciate even the little things, we redirect our focus from negative thoughts and emotions toward more positive outcomes. This shift in perspective can help us cope better with challenging circumstances and enhance our overall psychological well-being.

Show gratitude for what you already have: increased happiness, reduced stress, improved sleep, and enhanced overall satisfaction and contentment.

Strengthens Relationships:

Expressing gratitude benefits our well-being and strengthens our relationships with others. When we express appreciation towards someone, it creates a sense of validation and connection. It also fosters positive social interactions, enhanced empathy, and promotes prosocial behaviour.

In romantic relationships, appreciating your partner boosts intimacy and strengthens emotional bonds while creating an atmosphere of love and appreciation. It reminds us of our partners’ value in our lives and encourages open communication and reciprocity.

Promotes Acceptance In The Workplace

In the workplace, appreciating one’s work can create a positive work environment. When leaders and colleagues express a genuine appreciation for one another’s efforts and contributions, it fosters a sense of camaraderie, teamwork, and mutual respect. It can also increase job satisfaction, employee engagement, and productivity.

Boosts Physical Health:

Believe it or not, gratitude can even impact our physical health. Research has shown that individuals who regularly appreciate even the little things in life have lower stress levels and inflammation, which cause various health issues.

Most religions celebrate thankfulness for what they are grateful for. Gratitude can promote a deep sense of positive feelings and inner peace. Additionally, it can enhance cardiovascular health and create a more robust immune system.

Transforms Perspectives and Attitudes

Gratitude allows you to be introspective, giving you a more profound perspective. It allows us to shift from constantly yearning for more to appreciating what we already have. Instead of constantly chasing material possessions and external validation, we learn to find contentment in all things.

Nurturing empathy and compassion is another significant outcome of being grateful. It enables us to recognize and appreciate the blessings in other people’s lives, fostering a sense of interconnectedness and deepening our relationships.

By being kind, supportive, and grateful for the presence of others, we create a positive ripple effect that extends beyond ourselves.

Builds Resilience

When we focus on the positive aspects of our lives, even under challenging circumstances, we gain wisdom and understanding. Grateful individuals tend to possess a more optimistic outlook and are better equipped to bounce back from adversity.

By finding silver linings in challenges and setbacks, we develop a sense of inner strength and the belief that we can overcome difficulties.


Gratitude has the power to transform our lives in profound ways.

Scientific evidence supports the notion that gratitude is a powerful force that can positively impact various aspects of our lives. From boosting mental health to strengthening relationships and improving physical well-being, gratitude has far-reaching benefits.

By becoming more grateful, we can reframe our perspectives, foster resilience, and lead a more fulfilling life. Also, reflecting on daily blessings allows us to shift our focus from what we may be lacking to what we already have.

Regardless of our circumstances, embracing gratitude empowers us to find joy and appreciation in the present moment.

So, let us choose to be grateful and discover its transformative effects on our overall well-being.

