Upload base64 Image using Amazon S3 without storing the image on the local directory with Laravel

Eishfaq Ahmed Shafa
2 min readMay 11, 2020


Let’s get into the topic. If you facing problem uploading base64 image using Amazon S3 service this blog is for you. I will also show you without storing the image on your local storage you can upload the image.

  1. Let’s first show you uploading images on s3 as well as storing locally.
public function upload()
$image = $request->image; // the base64 image you want to upload
$slug = time().$this->auth->id; //name prefix
$avatar = $this->imageUpload($image, $slug, base_path('public/avatar/'));
Storage::disk('s3')->put('public/avatar/' . $avatar, file_get_contents(base_path('public/avatar/' . $avatar)), 'public');}//upload Logo
private function imageUpload($image, $namePrefix, $destination)
list($type, $file) = explode(';', $image);
list(, $extension) = explode('/', $type);
list(, $file) = explode(',', $file);
if (file_exists(base_path('public/avatar/' . $namePrefix . '.' . $extension))) {
chmod(base_path('public/avatar/' . $namePrefix . '.' . $extension), 0777);
unlink(base_path('public/avatar/' . $namePrefix . '.' . $extension));
$fileNameToStore = $namePrefix . '.' . $extension;
$source = fopen($image, 'r');
$destination = fopen($destination . $fileNameToStore, 'w');
stream_copy_to_stream($source, $destination);
chmod(base_path('public/avatar/' . $namePrefix . '.' . $extension), 0777);
return $fileNameToStore;

2. You may don’t want to save the image locally and upload it to s3. Follow the process below:

public function upload()
$image = $request->image; // the base64 image you want to upload
$slug = time().$this->auth->id; //name prefix
$avatar = $this->getFileName($image, $slug);
Storage::disk('s3')->put('public/avatar/' . $avatar['name'], base64_decode($avatar['file']), 'public');
private function getFileName($image, $namePrefix)
list($type, $file) = explode(';', $image);
list(, $extension) = explode('/', $type);
list(, $file) = explode(',', $file);
$result['name'] = $namePrefix . '.' . $extension;
$result['file'] = $file;
return $result;

I hope this blog will help you. Thank you. :)

