Latest updates of EagleX having its own blockchain called “IronGeekChain”

EagleX Team
3 min readJun 6, 2018


Hello. EagleX is a cryptocurrency having its stand-alone blockchain called “IronGeekChain” which uses Iron dBFT (Iron Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance).

Previously, we aimed to create payment system on top of Etheream blockchain, however we seeked for broader possibilities of cryptocurrency and thus, have been developing our own ecosystem with stand-alone blockchain.

As of now, we’ve released testnet and blockchain explorer, while working on implementing master node, polishing whitepaper and project’s re-branding. We will launch mainnet and whitepaper in June followed by token swap of current EagleCoin.

For further information of our project, please take a look at “Yellowpaper” (a temporary paper before the new Whitepaper release). In this article, we’ll summarize up what we’ve done so far from April to May.

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April 26: Yellow Paper Release

April 30: IronGeekChain TestNet Release

May 9: Release of tutorial video to create asset tokens on IronGeekChain

May 16: Release of tutorial video to deploy smart contract on IronGeekChain

May 23: Listed on CoinChangeX

May 31: IronGeekChain BlockXplorer (for test net) released

June 1: Announcement of new project name (EagleX)

June 3: A comparison brochure with other major platform cryptos published

June 3: The latest version of Wallet with BlockXplorer Release

April 26: Yellow Paper Release

We released Yellowpaper introducing briefly our own blockchain, IronGeekChain. Here’s the link for Yellowpaper.

April 30: IronGeekChain TestNet Release

We released successfully IronGeekChain TestNet.

May 9, May 16: Release of tutorial video to create asset tokens on IronGeekChain, Release of tutorial video to deploy smart contract on IronGeekChain

We released two videos explaining token creation + smart contract deployment on IronGeekChain.

May 23: Listed on CoinChangeX

We got listed on CoinChangeX. At present, EagleCoin is traded on following exchanges.

Mercatox :

Stocks.Exchange :

ForkDelta :!/trade/EAGLE-ETH

CoinChangeX :!/trade/EagleCoin-ETH

May 31: IronGeekChain BlockXplorer (for test net) released

We have released IronGeekChain BlockXplorer for the testnet.

June 1: Announcement of new project name (EagleX)

We announced new project name, EagleX.

June 3: A comparison brochure with other major platform cryptos published

We created and published a comparison brochure with other platform currencies such as Bitoin, Ethereum and NEO. Detailed specs will be explained in the white paper published in June.

June 3: The latest version of Wallet with BlockXplorer Release

The latest version of the desktop wallet with BlockXplorer has been released. You can download it from github.

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This is a quick summary of what EagleX team have done so far. We hope you had fun reading and catching up our latest updates.

