Streamlining Your Business Setup in Dubai: A Step-by-Step Guide

Eagle Management Services
2 min readAug 19, 2023


Are you confused about how to set up and start your business? The general processes and instructions you need to follow and things to consider are listed below.

As a one-stop shop for all your government transactions, you can also go to Eagle Management Services.

First, you have to:

  1. Select the correct business activity: Choose the type of business you will be conducting and make sure it complies with the rules established by Dubai Economy and Tourism (DET).
  2. Consider the business name: Choose a unique and relevant name for your business. Make sure it complies with the DET’s name standards.
  3. Choose the legal structure: Select the right legal structure for your business, such as a limited liability company or a sole proprietorship.

After that, you must prepare the required documents: Collect the necessary documents, which normally consist of copies of your passport, the visa you are currently on, and your Emirates ID.

Then we can start the process,

  1. For your business, reserve your trade name.
  2. Apply for the Initial Approval
  3. Secure Required Approvals: Depending on the nature of your business operations, it might be essential to acquire further authorizations from distinct government bodies or relevant authorities. For example, the Food Safety Department and Dubai Municipality licenses are required if you want to build a restaurant.
  4. Provide us with an office tenancy contract agreement, or Ejari. Set up an office space in accordance with DET regulations.
  5. signing the company’s MOA (Memorandum of Association)
  6. Getting a business license is the last step: You will receive your business license, allowing you to legally operate your business in Dubai, once all necessary procedures and approvals have been satisfied.

Please be aware that the procedure could change based on the kind of business, the region, and the legal structure you select. For specialized advice catered to your situation, it is advisable to speak with a business setup specialist, like Eagle Management Services in Dubai.



Eagle Management Services

Looking for professional business setup services in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and the UAE? Look no further than Eagle Management Services.