My Instagram account was deactivated | @eak_ar

3 min readJul 23, 2017

Hi everyone! How are you doing?

I am writing my story here after a lot of times trying to contact Instagram.

My Instagram account was deactivateed on 19/07/2017 for NO REASON! I thought a lot about it, but nothing is violating Instagram terms in my account. My username is @eak_ar

It is about Korean history and culture, opened it less than 1 month ago but I got a lot of impressions, more than 130000 impressions and 3000 follower, I was happy that people liked the idea but Instagram suddenly disabled it!

screenshot of my deactivated account @eak_ar
This is the last photo I’ve posted “Joseon dynasty’s hats” Is this a reason to disable my account?!!!

So, I followed all steps in “Learn more” and I got this message from Instagram asking me to send them a photo of me holding a paper… Unfortunately, after sending them the photo they didn’t reply me again. I didn’t give up and sent again and again, tried to contact them in their Instagram account Instagram, sent a DM to the CEO and Co-founder, tried everything but NO ANSWER!!

The message they sent me

when I searched in internet about this problem, I found that a lot of people had/have the same problem! as Dani Amsalem for example, I read his story on Medium and tried the Ideas he wrote, like tagging Instagram on Twitter(I tried Facebook too), and reporting the problem from another Instagram account, but nothing worked for me :/

My attempts in Twitter
My attempts in FB

I also sent tons of messages to them, to every email I found…

and recently I am receiving an automatic message says that they can’t receive my messages :/

That proved to me that Instagram has a terrible system, they don’t have any email to contact them!

and what makes me more angry that I really WORKED HARD for this account, especially while searching informations and translating from Korean and English to Arabic, and who does translation will understand my feelings.

and today 23/07/2017 I am writing my story here after 4 days of daily attempts, hoping that Instagram will notice that they have a bad system.

And I think that a LOT of people have the same problem.

Please fix your system and restore our accounts.

#Instagram Instagram #restoreouraccounts #reactivateouraccounts #eak_ar @Instagram



Today, Instagram reactivated my account finally!! Thanks, Alhamdulillah♥

