The Power of Whatever

Alex Wittman
2 min readDec 2, 2017


So at the start of September, I said I was going to publish every weekday for an entire month. That didn’t turn out so well.

Actually, it didn’t turn out at all!

But, I’m embracing my inner middle school girl (yes, that glitter nail polish wearing little beast that lives inside me) and saying “whatever”.

W H A T E V E R. *bends elbow and flicks wrist casually*

I mean it! So what my September writing goal was a total flop? That shouldn’t and will not have any affect on December. It’s a new month, and since I’m still alive and breathing and stuff, I have the opportunity to go for it all over again.

In December, I want to embrace the platform. When I started an account with Medium, I slaved and stressed over the first few stories.

Is it good? People will want to read this, right???

W H A T E V E R. *eye roll AND shrug*

I joined Medium to grow as a writer. I felt stifled by my WordPress blog and wanted to switch things up. Medium seemed (and still does seem) like a great platform for doing just that.

And if I connect with some peeps along the way, that would be cool too.

But if I don’t…

W H A T E V E R. *flips hair over right shoulder*

I vow not to become so obsessed with claps or followers that I forget who my first and favorite reader is: me.

Embracing my inner middle school girl is about more than just the power of whatever. It’s about channeling the barely-teen who used to curl up in her Abercrombie hoodie (the one I wore every damn day) and scribble away in her journal for hours.

While I disagree with her decision to wear socks with flips flops, I admire the way she wrote for herself.

I’m back, Medium. And I write for myself.

Image Credit: Jamie Brown



Alex Wittman

After living in Madrid for two years, I moved to Mexico. When I’m not writing, I’m reading, running or drinking red wine.