How will we find the new normal after Lockdown is lifted?

Eamon L.
4 min readMay 1, 2020
Auckland Viaduct. Photo by Dan Freeman on Unsplash

On the 23rd of March 2020, New Zealand hit 100 cases of COVID-19. With two of them being confirmed cases of community transmission, the government made the decision to move the entire country to Alert level 4: nationwide lockdown.

This was the highest level. Closure of public areas, all non-essential services shut, schools and universities closed, restrictions on movement around the country. Twenty eight days of level 4 lockdown was announced by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on the 23rd March, to end on the 22nd April unless the government decided to extend it (A decision which will be made on the 20th April).

Needless to say this has disrupted the economy, education systems, and our entire way of life. Kiwis are a unique people. Laid back, honest and open. A social and active bunch. Lovers of backyard barbecue and weekend rugby games. For our government to ask us to be cooped up for almost a month, travelling no further than the supermarket or local dairy (convenience store) for food items and necessities, it was a very serious declaration that we intended to stamp out the COVID-19 virus here in New Zealand.

How are we doing so far?

At the time of writing we have over 1479 confirmed cases, resulting in nineteen COVID related deaths to date. We are…



Eamon L.

A young Kiwi professional writing about work, life, and the strange times we live in.