[[Prototype]] vs __proto__ vs .prototype in Javascript

Why are there so many types of prototypes in JavaScript and what do they all do?

Eamon O'Callaghan
4 min readJul 30, 2021
A confused man tries to work out what prototype means.

It can seem very daunting when you start learning about prototypes in JavaScript. A lot of the confusion stems from the fact that there are two different prototypes in JavaScript that refer to different concepts. Let me explain.


[[Prototype]] is a hidden private property that all objects have in Javascript, it holds a reference to the object’s prototype.

An object’s prototype is the object that an object inherits or descends from. In the following diagram the object son descends from father , so father is the prototype of son. That means the hidden [[Prototype]] property of son points to father.

Inheritance diagram

To summarize:

  • [[Prototype]] is a hidden property that references an object’s prototype.
  • An object's prototype is the object that an object descends or inherits from.


__proto__ (also called the Dunder Proto or Double Underscore Prototype) is a property of Object.prototype (more on that in a minute) that exposes the hidden [[Prototype]] property of an object and allows you to access or modify it. You should not use it as it is deprecated, although you may come across it in older code.

The modern way of accessing an object’s prototype is by using Object.getPrototypeOf(obj). You can also modify an object’s prototype using Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, prototype) as you can see in the following example:

To summarize:

  • __proto__ is a method that exposes the hidden [[Prototype]] property and allows you to modify it.
  • Object.getPrototypeOf() and Object.setPrototypeOf() are the modern ways of getting access to and setting an object’s prototype.


.prototype is a special property that almost all functions have that is only used when a function is invoked as a constructor function. I say almost all because arrow functions and methods defined using the concise syntax do not have .prototype properties and cannot be used as constructors.

The .prototype property contains a reference to an object and when a constructor is used to instantiate or create a new object, .prototype is set as the prototype of the new object.

A constructor function is like an object factory that creates new objects which are instances of itself. “What is a constructor function?

For example, when the constructor ObjectFactory is used to instantiate a new object referenced by the variable obj on line 5 of the following code block, obj's hidden internal [[Prototype]] property now holds a reference to the same object that is referenced by ObjectFactory.prototype. This means that any properties or methods defined in ObjectFactory.prototype are accessible by obj.

Here on line 7, we prove that ObjectFactory.prototype references an object. On line 8 we prove that ObjectFactory.prototype is the prototype of obj.

Accessing a prototype’s properties

Notice that on line 10 we add a property called prop to the object referenced by ObjectFactory.prototype . Remember that obj’s [[Prototype]] property references the same object as ObjectFactory.prototype.

We can see on line 12 that obj does not have a property called prop, it only has one property called property. However, obj can access prop on line 13 because it inherits the properties of its prototype which we know is the object referenced by ObjectFactory.prototype.

To summarize:

  • .prototype is a special property that all functions have that contains a reference to an object.
  • When a constructor is used to instantiate a new object, ConstructorName.prototype is set as the prototype of the new object.
  • All instances of that constructor (the objects it creates) can access the properties of ConstructorName.prototype.

I briefly mentioned Object.prototype earlier in the article, Object is the built-in constructor function that almost all objects in JavaScript are instances of, and therefore almost all objects inherit from the object referenced by its .prototype property, Object.prototype.

I hope that this article has helped you to see the difference between these concepts! You can learn more about prototypical inheritance in JavaScript in my other article here.



Eamon O'Callaghan

I’m a Software Engineer working at S1Seven. I mainly work with NestJS and TypeScript. I enjoy sharing what I’m learning by writing about it here!