Yuno Gasai

3 min readMay 24, 2022



- Yuno Gasai

- Gasai Yuno

- 我妻 由乃

- Second

- Yunocchi

Yuno Gasai Anime

Yuno’s personality is ambiguous. For the most part, she is sweet, feminine, and sometimes shy when around Yukiteru. But this masks her dark and bloody side — ruthless, cold and calculating. She has little to no problem using and using others for her own purposes: her survival and Yukiteru’s survival. She resorts to brutal and usually violent methods, most of the time coming out of nowhere, which usually ends in the bloody death of either the diary holder or their followers, effectively making her a yandere.

Her violent nature is mostly the result of her mother’s abuse and her father’s absence, eventually ending in their deaths two years before the Survival Game. This was the beginning of her change, as she later became rather lonely and sad. This is shown in her somewhat morbid habits of talking to her parents’ dead bodies, telling them about her day, and stating what she will bring Yukiteru.

She even took their heads with her when she trapped Yukiteru in the hotel, and when Aru Akise moved their bodies, she became angry and said that her parents were sleeping and that he woke them up. These events also show her complicated feelings towards her family. While she wanted them to feel and understand the pain she experienced due to their abuse, she basically just feels deeply betrayed by them. She wanted them to be a happy family, but because of their careless behavior and their deaths, she felt that her life had no meaning.

Thus, when Yukiteru told her that they would get married when they grew up, he unwittingly became a mainstay that gave her much-needed stability. Her obsession with Yukiteru grew to the point where she was willing to harm those who she thought would take Yukiteru away from her, be it friends, rivals, relatives, other girls, etc.

She was willing to resort to violence if Yukiteru’s mother ever opposes her (which she didn’t), stating that she “doesn’t need her tools”. In addition, she threatened to kill Tsubaki Kasugano and immediately panicked that Yukiteru’s friends Aru Akise, Hinata Hino, Mao Nonosaka, and Oji Kosaka would take Yukiteru away from her, causing Yukiteru to calm her down and announce their official “relationship”. Yuno’s joy and his own despair. At one point, she even kidnapped Yukiteru and held him hostage because she was afraid another diary user would kill him. Aru has stated that Yukiteru has a stabilizing influence on her usually chaotic and violent life.

Despite her madness, Yuno has shown some restraint in killing. This is shown when, after Yukiteru calls her his girlfriend, she immediately releases Hinata when she was about to slit her throat. The fact that she did this instead of killing her anyway to ensure Yukiteru didn’t fall in love with her suggests that she doesn’t actually enjoy killing; she just does it because she sees no other way. It is shown many times in the series how deeply insecure Yuno really is when she says that her life wouldn’t be worth living if she couldn’t be the center of Yukiteru’s world. Her paralyzing fear of losing him is the only thing that can break her usually unsettling composure.

In the third world, Yuno from the third world seemed to be very sweet and calm, perhaps because she still loved her parents and they didn’t have a survival game to participate in. This allowed Yuno to remain sane. However, as a side effect of gaining her self’s memories from the First World, it is implied that she can still remember some things that happened in the First World, as she states that she feels like something is missing.

Yuno Gasai Age

Yuno Gasai Age Is 14–16.

Yuno Gasai Birthday

Yuno Gasai Birthday Is on November 16.

Yuno Gasai Voice

- Murata, Tomosa- Japanese

- Blank, Jodie- German

- Lee, Gye Yun- Korean

- Palencia, Brina- English

- Alencar, Bianca- Portuguese

Yuno Gasai Quotes

I’m the only friend you’ll ever need, right?




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