What Is Otosclerosis Surgery?

Ear Deals
2 min readApr 14, 2022

Otosclerosis surgery is a standard procedure used to treat otosclerosis, a condition that can cause hearing loss. In otosclerosis surgery, the surgeon removes part of the stapes bone in the ear. This procedure can improve hearing in people with otosclerosis.

Otosclerosis surgery is a relatively safe procedure, but there are some risks associated with it, including:


Bleeding is the most common complication associated with otosclerosis surgery — the risk of bleeding increases when the surgery is performed on people taking blood-thinning medications. Bleeding can also occur if there is a tear in the eardrum or the tissue around the ear.


Infection is a common complication associated with otosclerosis surgery. The risk of infection increases when the surgery is performed on people taking antibiotics. Infection can also occur if there is a tear in the eardrum or the tissue around the ear.

Damage to the ear

Damage to the ear is a potential complication of otosclerosis surgery. This damage can occur if there is a tear in the eardrum or the tissue around the ear. Damage to the ear can also occur if the stapes bone is removed incorrectly.


Dizziness is a common complication associated with otosclerosis surgery. The risk of dizziness increases when the surgery is performed on people taking medications that can cause drowsiness. Dizziness can also occur if there is a tear in the eardrum or the tissue around the ear.

Most people who undergo otosclerosis surgery experience a significant improvement in their hearing. In some cases, however, the surgery may not be entirely successful, and further treatment may be needed.

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