1 min readMay 14, 2019

Live Active Keto a bit of satiety if it can happen that they start to feel this full or eat what they need eating fairly less won’t clear yearning not to say net or being drinking by juices don’t it’s about that it’s about this what solidify with some sustenance balanced of lost [Music] here you unquestionably understand that with me I don’t stop I don’t remove anything in fact I go out to eat and this I mean I need that as in meat fish chicken vegetables that they can eat everything and take this I vow to you young women who are taking off to that you will love them since results begin to see from the second third day and more with the recipe what I gave them is a very strong equation if they do it for what it’s value towards the foot of the letter as I am telling you from the 23 first days begin to see it what they start to discover in their articles of clothing that is the thing that first that begins to be weak this can take it for 15 days 20 yo I don’t endorse that they take it more than 15 or 20 in light of the fact that the body.

