Earl Blumenauer
2 min readDec 18, 2015

Why I’m Endorsing Hillary Clinton

Security seems to be the campaign buzz word these days and appropriately so. When I consider who is the candidate best qualified to protect America and our families, there is only one in my estimation who has a clear grasp of what that means in its entirety: Hillary Clinton.

Besides her vast international experience and plan to keep America safe, defeat ISIS, prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, holding China accountable, and standing up to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton understands that Americans need and want economic security.

She has a plan to reign in the abuses of Wall Street, strengthen financial regulations, and hold rule breakers accountable. She proposes creating a new college compact that not only lowers student loan interest rates but makes it possible for students to attend public college in their own states without having to borrow money.

Hillary Clinton clearly knows all the types of security America needs.

She refuses to believe that America must be the only developed country that cannot protect families from the terror of the epidemic of gun violence. Hillary is not afraid to stand up to the gun lobby. She says that Americans can keep our communities safe by supporting sensible action to address gun violence, including comprehensive background checks, cracking down on illegal gun traffickers, and holding dealers and manufacturers accountable when they endanger Americans. She knows we can and should keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and stalkers.

An issue that has been important to me my entire career is transportation and livability. Hillary understands that America — from small town Oregon to cities like Portland — is more secure with affordable, reliable, and safe transportation choices. As more and more Americans drive less and seek the option of public transit and ridership grows, our investments have not kept up with increased demand. Adequate and affordable transportation choices are a pathway out of poverty for many low income neighborhoods and communities of color and create millions of family wage jobs.

Prioritizing federal investments in public transit will spur economic development, better connect Americans to jobs that they need, and improve access to livable communities for everyone. In addition to transit, Hillary’s plan will also support critical biking and walking infrastructure, promoting healthy and safe transportation choices so that our children can get to school, and people across the country have access to safe, sustainable, and affordable transportation options. This vision for our communities is key to affordable housing, and the jobs to pay for it.

I’ve been privileged to work with Hillary Clinton in her roles as First Lady, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State. It is clear that she is the one candidate in this race who is ready from day one to provide the comprehensive security America needs. That’s why I’m endorsing Hillary Clinton for President.

Earl Blumenauer

Congressman representing Oregon’s Third Congressional District