B was feeling disgusted.

Earl Co
13 min readSep 25, 2017


An excerpt from this public thread

People, ESPECIALLY KIDS, look up to these athletes and consider them role models. It is absolutely ridiculous and disgusting to see some of them kneeling during the national anthem. If you don’t agree with me then fine, but this act of disrespect should NOT be allowed in my opinion.

Earl Co #WhitePrivilege is saying a person of color should not be allowed to peacefully protest, particularly as a citizen of a country whose Constitution explicitly provides the right to protest.

Earl Co Those damn protesters in the American colonies, why can’t they just respect the throne of King George and act proper subjects? Off with their heads!

Kyle so tired of hearing people say white privilege. Has being Asian ever held you back? Highly doubtful. And let’s not forget a white man is the one who started this bullshit movement

Earl Co Kyle clearly does not understand what the word “privilege” means. No, it does not mean that being Asian has held me back. It means that being white would have propelled me forward, and I wouldn’t even have to notice it to have it.

Earl Co You have not walked a mile in PoC’s shoes. Doubt all you want, just because you think being not white hasn’t held me back doesn’t make your doubts accurate. This goes for anyone.

“And let’s not forget a white man is the one who started this bullshit movement”
Maybe you should listen to the white guy then. Maybe he has more implicit credibility than a person of color saying the same thing. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=White-%27splaining

Earl Co Kinda funny and relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-p8dOqf3P4

Earl Co And SO WHAT if I have or haven’t been held back for being Asian?
Does it mean that just because I may have not suffered injustices in society that I’m not allowed to speak out for my fellow countrymen who are experiencing such injustices?

Earl Co Speaking of privilege, just the simple fact of having lived in a school district that had good, well-funded schools such as Shaker also makes us more privileged than other people of color who did not have that same opportunity, because they lived in poorer neighborhoods that could not afford better education. But at least I recognize that.

Kyle Shut the fuck up with that racial bull shit. I’m white and I never had a fucking thing handed to me over it. You get an education and you work your ass off to get to where you want be. You don’t even need an education to get into a trade. You do what you have to do to survive and some little prick you isn’t going to tell me this because you don’t know shit. Every job and trade I’ve worked in blacks were given just as much opportunity to strive and move forward as white people. One of the best workers in my HVAC company was a gay black man. Everyone has an opportunity to get an education. Utilizing the opportunity to get free education is up to you. There’s no reason why a black kid from Albany or Troy high can’t get into the same school as a white or black kid from shaker. I’m not even going to waste reading a video from urban dictionary or watching a video produced by MTV

Earl Co Wow, a white man literally just whitesplained institutional racism to me and wouldn’t even watch a funny video, kinda proving my point.

For the record, I don’t disagree with anything you just said in your last comment. White privilege isn’t about having things handed to you just because you’re white. It’s about getting through society without being pulled over by police for looking “suspicious”, or shot to death with no repercussion for selling cigarettes. It doesn’t mean all white people do not struggle. I hope you understand this at some point in your life.

Earl Co And let’s be honest, Troy High and Albany High aren’t as good as Shaker, mainly because of school districts being funded by property taxes and Troy and Albany having poorer neighborhoods. A student of any race from either of the other schools may have to work twice as hard to get as good of an education as a student from Shaker. That was my point regarding education, not about race, but about class (even though they’re largely intertwined).

Brandon Earl Co actually asians have more of a “ privilege” then white people. Statistically proven, so can I be envious of Asian privilege? Asians are actually more likely to get a job in a field that is looked at as harder( physics and computer stuff) then a white individual.

Matt Brandon no Asians are more likely to get a job in those fields because they have a better education system and actually pay attention in school….. It’s simple

Brandon im talking about asians in America. Stay in your lane.

Brandon I got a great video for y’all to watch. Your all gonna love it. Gotta have thick skin and put on your big boy pants.

Matt Still lol

I have Asian friends who were born here and they all did a lot better in school than most of us. Because their heritage is based on discipline and absorbing education differently than Americans. Not because they were given special opportunities

Earl Co Here we go with that “model minority” crap.

“Asians are actually more likely to get a job in a field that is looked at as harder (physics and computer stuff) than a white individual.”
Incorrect. It’s mostly white, 2nd is Asians.

“the reason why Silicon Valley is mostly white and Asian males is because white and Asian males make up the vast majority of engineers and software developers” https://thoughtcatalog.com/.../silicon-valley-is-male.../

Yes, it is hard, and rampant sexism and racism also pushes many women and other PoC out of STEM fields at an early age (“leaky pipeline”).

Brandon I’m glad your friends did good in school. School is important.

Brandon File seems alittle dated

Earl Co Brandon “Statistically proven, so can I be envious of Asian privilege” If your statistics sources are actually right, sure, go ahead, if you actually wanted to work in Computer Science.

Brandon id say my digging is probably more accurate then a site that is the victim of literally everything.

https://youtu.be/yEFRcVMRyYM went and found this great video for you. Not my facts source just alittle truth in a video.

White Male Privilege vs Asian Privilege (Gavin McInnes)

Earl Co Let’s just say you’re right, for argument’s sake. I’ve got plenty of privileges myself that others can be envious of, being able to afford rent and food and having an undergrad degree in a field that pays well, or any college degree for that matter. There are many other PoC (black, Latino and even Asians a) who do not have these things and due to their circumstances (financial, location, race, luck) were not able to have or take advantage of as many opportunities.

What exactly is your point? That because I as a single person have things that people can be envious of, that people of color as a whole are not marginalized in society?

Brandon i don’t get fund for me because I’m white. I can afford stuff to because I’ve worked for it. I’ve worked for everything I have. I’ve had help from my family. Haven’t found my privilege yet. I must be the one in the world who is white and doesn’t get a privilege. Can I join the pitty circle now?

Earl Co Oh god, this Gavin asshole trying again to scapegoat his racism by saying it doesn’t exist because Asians supposedly are doing better. What fucking bullshit.

Earl Co Brandon Did you go to public school? If so, you cannot say “I’ve worked for everything I have.”

Also, you saying “I’ve had help from my family” is itself a privilege. Many people (whites and non-whites a) don’t have families, or don’t have families who can pay for a better education.

Brandon Earl I respect your opinion. I really do. I’m not here to change your mind. I don’t see us seeing eye to eye.

Earl Co “Can I join the pity circle now?”
I’m not even in the pity circle myself, but sure, why not? It’s not you’re being shot to death by police for “acting funny”.

Brandon We went to school together. No just been tazed for being a white guy in a bad neighbor hood.

Earl Co Neither one of us are trying to change anyone’s mind. All I’m trying to do is speak up for the people who can’t, such as those whose fathers have been imprisoned for decades with mandatory minimum sentences for minor non-violent drug offenses, or outright killed for no damn reason at all.
“I don’t see us seeing eye to eye.” And maybe that’s the problem, that we can’t see other people’s problems. Not my problems, I honestly don’t really have much, but that doesn’t mean others are also doing just fine (they’re not).

Brandon Earl I know there’s issues here in America. I’m not denying that. Still no other place I’d rather live. Weed isn’t a drug so those charges are bs. We can absolutely agree on stuff but I don’t believe in the victim bs. Work for what you want. Anything less is a cop out. Any who argues that is protecting victims. Situations hold me back is a cop out. Prominent black figures will tell you that. I’ll tell you that. Hard situations arise but most can be overcome being they aren’t a situation where you can’t move. There are plenty of things that can’t be beat but I’d say there are a lot that can be.

Earl Co Brandon I can support all of that. It’s the American Dream™.

“here are plenty of things that can’t be beat but I’d say there are a lot that can be.” Institutionalized racism and police brutality (the issues Kaepernick #TookAKnee for), are hopefully issues that can be beat, and I hope you and I see eye to eye at least on that.

Earl Co As a point of correction, marijuana is by definition a drug, but so is coffee.

Brandon oh I know it’s classified as a schedule 1 drug. I disagree with it that being my reason for the statement of its not a drug. Yes federally they look at it as one. I don’t.

Earl Co I don’t mean the classification, I mean the dictionary definition of what a drug is, a chemical that affects the mind. But I digress. The prison industrial complex is a bunch of bullshit.

Brandon for sure. No one cares about true trials and full trials. Rap music influences violence which young impressionable people imitate and fund the prison. Ever looked at how many record companies hold stock in prison systems?

Kyle Only point proved is you’re just another sheep who believes everything they see on tv and the internet. I agree our justice system is extremely flawed and it is too easy to be a cop these days. I also believe the people are doing a good job exploiting these bad cops. The civil ones anyway who don’t burn their own neighborhoods down. Kneeling during the national anthem is a childish and petty way of doing so. Especially when these spoiled athletes are making millions while black and white people are across the country dying for their freedom. Just my opinion though. Troy is a good school and funding towards Albany school I’m pretty sure was cut back because kids just werent going. That doesn’t mean they’re aren’t good teachers in Albany high so I completely disagree. There is no reason a kid should have to work twice as hard when the same material is being taught from the same textbooks. On the other hand, there are a lot more influences going to school in a ghetto area that could deter a more then capable kid from doing the right thing.

Brandon Kyle your certainly not referring to me, right?

Earl Co Kyle seems to hate my guts for some reason, maybe because I called out white fragility. Maybe he’s racist, not really sure. It’s not even I wholly disagree with all of his arguments and opinions, in fact I agree with many of them.

Earl Co I don’t even watch TV or have cable. All I watch is on Netflix and YouTube. There’s no reason to call me a “sheep who believes everything they see on TV and the Internet”.

Earl Co Kneeling during the anthem sure is a nonviolent way to get people riled up. Childish or not, that’s quite the perfect and effective protest if you ask me, and it’s not anyone gets hurt, just butthurt.

I agree with most of the other statements in Kyle’s most recent . You don’t completely disagree with me about Albany High, because I agree with you. Those external influences and lower funding means fewer after-school programs and more kids getting into trouble, and the cycle of poverty and crime continues. The content of the textbook may be the same and the teachers may be just as good, but when I say they have to work twice as hard I mean the support system (in school and at home) is not as well-funded. There may be fewer tutoring or SAT prep programs, etc.

No need for ad hominems man. I don’t have anything against you, or white people in general. Just because I called out white privilege, police brutality, and institutionalized racism, doesn’t mean it necessarily pertains to you so unless you’re complicit in those injustices, there’s no need to be butthurt or offended by it (that’s the “white fragility” I mentioned).

Kyle Brandon no lol was all towards earl

Kyle Agree with everything you said Brandon. And see you making “white fragility” that’s the shit that pisses me off. This whole white vs black bs I see every day pisses me off. The term white privilege and people wanting me to have some type of remorse for me being white and what my ancestors may or may not have done pisses me off. Black people and apparently asians making general statements about white people. Again. Pisses me off. Your entitled to your opinion and so am I. It’s a childish way of going about things and it’s spitting on the graves of the men and women who have bled for this country. And okay but don’t send me a link to urban dictionary and MTV backing up what you have to say and expect me to take you seriously. No hate towards you I apologize it came off that way I am just so sick of seeing white people get shit on as a whole by every other race in this country. People are so quick to point a finger rather then take a step back and evaluate themselves and what they are doing wrong. For example the black crime rate and black on black violence. Why aren’t these NFL players or BLM speaking of this? Brandon made a point I always bring up to people. Rap music and how much in influences our youth. Apologize B for blowing up your notifications earl if you want to further this discussion message me.

Earl Co Kyle No one is blaming you for institutionalized racism, police brutality, or the cycle of crime and poverty, or for being born white for that matter. That’s why I try to provide the definition of the terms as they are used. All it means is that there are life experiences that people of color experience (such as having to be fearful of police) that white people don’t. Unless you are individually complicit in the racism that people are pointing out, there’s no need to be so butthurt about the term “white privilege”. Unless you’re a racist, we’re not talking about you. Just because you don’t the term doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, because the simple matter is that fewer injustices happen to fewer white people (that is the privilege). It’s not your fault or the fault of your entire race. It is institutionalized, as in the government and justice system is complicit in these injustices.

“Black people and apparently asians making general statements about white people.” The only general statement I said is the prison industrial complex profits off of imprisoning people of color. The first time I used the term in this thread was “#WhitePrivilege is saying a person of color should not be allowed to peacefully protest”. And it’s true, why are literal Nazis walking the streets with Nazi flags chanting white supremacy while PoC can’t even do a non-violent protest as simple as kneeling? “it’s spitting on the graves of the men and women who have bled for this country.” Many people who have bled for this country have been saying they sacrificed for people’s right to protest. It’s literally what they fought for. And once again, no one is getting physically hurt, just butthurt.

“black crime rate and black on black violence” is a scapegoat and the prison industrial complex is kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy, as in because the justice system is more likely to arrest and convict PoC (think people being arrested for weed possession when white people are more likely to just be let off with a warning), thus the “black on black violence” is heavily biased statistics. Just because black people are more likely to be convicted doesn’t mean they are more likely to commit crime. Poverty (regardless of race) is much more correlated with crime (and it’s a cycle so poverty causes crime and vice versa).

“Why aren’t these NFL players or BLM speaking of this” Because BLM isn’t a single monolithic organization and BLM activists do speak out on police brutality in general, regardless of race. That is their focus. Also, evidently it seems the only thing NFL players can do is kneel as that is Constitutionally protected.

“I am just so sick of seeing white people get shit on as a whole by every other race in this country.” Must be nice to just be shit on, rather than pulled over and shot.

I’d message you privately but I actually prefer this conversation to be public.

Earl Co I have many privileges. Having a privilege doesn’t mean the injustices in society are in any way your fault. It means we have a bit more power to speak out or act to resolve it.

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” Desmond Tutu

The elephant is not every single white person. The injustices are happening in society. They are a part of the institutions of racism, along with individual racists themselves. If you are not racist, we’re not talking about you.



Earl Co

Electronics Engineer, Real Estate Investor, Entrepreneur. BS Computer Engineering ’16 NYU Tandon. Don't just be a number, make yourself count.