Life is like a game of Tetris!

Shad Kidwai
3 min readOct 2, 2020


Consider the following arguments that I present as a food for thought while you have your cup of coffee(I recommend it).

Since the moment we are born, we are bombarded with gargantuan amount of data. This data, it never ceases to exist, until the moment we take our last breath.
We might not be able to make sense of the data initially, but it is noted that babies as young as four months are able to begin making sense of this data and turn it into information.

They are able to clear their first lines in the tetris game of life!

What is interesting are the things I witness about the people around me, including myself. Some of us just seem to not be interested anymore about the incoming data. We no longer actively want to change for good.

So, what happens later on then? Why this amazing line clearing capability doesn’t continue with same intensity for everyone of us? (I know brain plasticity might have a role to play here, but we are just having a food for thought, remember?)
According to me, There are vast amount of factors for this. One of them simply could be that the level of tetris maybe just be set to hard for some (Diseases for example).

What I want to focus is one particular reason for this decline and that even you can see in the game:-

The gaps!

If the incoming data is not made sense of, correctly, in time, it can start causing gaps in one knowledge and could greatly affect one’s will to continue playing this game of life further with the same grit.
We fail in our tests because of these gaps. Not just the academics ones but various other tests given by life. The data still hasn’t made sense to us. Clearing lines provides us ecstasy, gives us some purpose and not being able to clear them causes one to become stagnant and no longer enthusiastic about converting this data to perhaps valuable information. We can still live like this but we loose the authenticness of our own character. We see ourselves becoming ignorant and even taking in the path leading to various vices for our survival.

Now comes the optimistic part, as I alluded, this data is never ending, the screen of game of tetris life is as long as you are here on the planet.
That means you can start paying attention to the data around you and turn it into information that will eventually in the end make you back as a virtuous person.

Stuff in your past is like a carving on the bark of a sapling. Over time the scar, the carving, won’t go away. Because of the way trees grow, it won’t grow up or down much either it’ll just stay right where it began. It might even get darker, but it won’t get bigger. You, however, can. You can keep growing, doing more things, more branches, being more things. The wound won’t get smaller, but you can make it a smaller part of who you are.
Ze Frank

Each one of us, has something to offer. Society can try to quantify us but as long as one is trying to play this game of tetris with conscientiousness he has nothing to worry about what other thinks about him. He will enjoy the contentment a few people do these days.

