Energy Efficiency Day 2022

Earth Forward Group
4 min readSep 29, 2022


By Ayla Kanber, Earth Forward Group

October is National Energy Awareness Month and Energy Efficiency Day is coming up on October 5th, as declared by the U.S. Department of Energy.

These declarations emphasize the importance of sustainable practices that improve our national energy resilience and security. Federal agencies are “Leading by Example” to meet energy efficiency and renewable energy laws and requirements. EFG is committed to investing our resources in projects that support sustainable energy so that every day is Energy Efficiency Day.

Here are a few facts about energy efficiency:

  • Since 1990, savings from energy efficiency gains have averted the need to build 313 large power plants and has delivered cumulative savings of nearly $790 billion for Americans. (ACEEE)
  • Energy efficiency employment is projected to grow much faster than other areas of the energy sector — in 2017, growing at 9% compared to 5% across the entire energy sector. (EPA)
  • Rural households, especially low-income, nonwhite and elderly, spend an average of 40% more of their incomes on energy than their metropolitan counterparts. Energy efficiency upgrades could lessen these energy burdens and save households more than $400 a year. (ACEEE)
  • Reducing annual electricity use by 15% nationwide would save more than six lives every day, prevent nearly 30,000 asthma episodes each year, and save Americans up to $20 billion through avoided health harms annually. (ACEEE & Physicians for Social Responsibility)
12 Days of Energy Efficiency — YouTube Video

The organizers of Energy Efficiency Day are also encouraging people to save energy every day at home with these tips:

  1. Switch to LED lights. LED lights last at least 25X longer and consume up to 90% less electricity than incandescent bulbs.
  2. Seal Household Leaks To Save Money. On average, heating and cooling account for almost half of a home’s energy consumption. In fact, all the little leaks can be equivalent to leaving open a 3-foot-by-3-foot window. Tip: Take simple steps like caulking windows, sealing leaks around chimneys and recessed lighting, and sliding draft guards under your doors to save up to 20% on heating costs.
  3. Heat and Cool Your Home Efficiently. Use a programmable thermostat. In cold weather, schedule your home’s heat to lower when you are away or asleep, and increase when you are returning home or waking-up. In warm weather, schedule the thermostat to raise the temperature when you are away or asleep, and lower it at other times.
  4. Maintain Your HVAC System. Clean or change your furnace filters regularly. A dirty furnace filter slows down air flow, making the system work harder to keep you warm (or cool) and costing you more money.
  5. Turn Off Electronics That Are Not In Use. Turn off unnecessary/idle lights, appliances and electronics. A power strip can help turn off multiple items at once.
  6. Open Shades and Blinds During The Winter. Use natural sunlight to help warm up your household.
  7. Close Shades and Blinds During The Summer. Excess sunlight entering through windows can make the inside of your home warmer.
  8. Use Cold Water To Wash Your Clothes. A washing machine spends 90% of its energy to heat water, so using cold water will help you save energy and money.
Key Findings from the Clean Jobs America 2022 Report

Clean jobs revolving around energy efficiency have made an upward trajectory over the past decade, as described in the Clean Jobs America 2022 report. According to the report, clean energy and clean transportation jobs grew by more than 5% last year, with 3.2 million Americans in the workforce. Also, every clean energy sub-sector (from renewables and energy efficiency to electric vehicles and grid modernization) grew last year while fossil fuel jobs fell 4%.

Despite the positive growth in the clean energy jobs in 2021, new clean energy project installations declined by 55% in the second quarter of 2022, which puts future job growth at risk. This is due in part due to lingering uncertainty around federal policy. However, the Biden administration has recently acted to address clean energy and sustainability by expanding clean energy jobs and infrastructure and cutting carbon pollution through the Inflation Reduction Act — the largest spending to tackle global warming in U.S. history.

Specifically, the investments will allocate over $60 billion for environmental justice priorities in disadvantaged communities, over $60 billion to accelerate domestic manufacturing of clean energy and transportation technologies, $30 billion in grant and loan programs for states and electric utilities for clean energy transition, $27 billion in clean energy technology accelerator for reduced emissions, over $20 billion for climate-smart agriculture practices, and $9 billion in consumer home energy rebate programs to electrify home appliances and more.

As the federal government makes moves to tackle global warming, there is a positive outlook that the clean energy industry will continue to grow and energy will be used more efficiently. Energy Efficiency Day will bring even more light to the steps that need to be taken to achieve a stronger economy, healthier Americans, and a greener environment.

Click here to learn about Energy Awareness Month.

Click here to learn about Energy Efficiency Day.

Click here to read the Clean Energy Jobs America 2022 Report.

