5 Horrible Habits You Need To Quit For A Better Life

Earth Style Blog
5 min readJun 8, 2022


Bad habits come and go, but some are too entrenched in our lives to leave behind so easily. In today’s post, we are going to share 5 horrible habits you need to quit for a better life! They have no place in your life and once they are gone you will thank us!

Image Credit: Paige Cody

When you begin to notice bad habits that you possess it can be easy to hide behind them. Life gets hard and sometimes we resort to our horrible habits out of comfort. They are usually accessible and easy to go to, and so that’s what we do.

No matter how hard your life might get, there will always be a way out and a brighter future ahead. You can always turn around and choose a better path for yourself. Life is short, however, that doesn’t mean you cannot make the most of it in a positive and productive way!

The horrible habits we are going to share are habits that we are all guilty of at times. They are self-deprecating and counterproductive to your journey of growth. We will guide you the whole way through and if you want more advice check out our other posts! Let’s get started!

1) Stop Fearing Failure

Failure is a topic that people tend to skip over because it is almost taboo. We all want everything to go perfectly, with no mistakes or bumps along the way. Why do we all fear failure? Is it because we want to impress others and ourselves? Is it because we don’t want to disappoint people? It is often a combination of the two, and due to other specific reasons. What many forget is that failure creates success. We need to fail to appreciate and experience large amounts of success. You cannot have high highs without low lows. Balance is everything, and the concept of failure is no exception. It is natural to want to succeed and do things correctly, but remember that it is not the end of the world if things don’t exactly go to plan!

2) Complain Less, Appreciate More

Being negative is a lot easier than being positive. Our human instinct is to look for danger or threats and it appears that nowadays we instead look for problems or inconveniences. Would you not prefer to feel unbothered rather than uptight? Instead of looking for the things that bother you and voicing meaningless negativity, search for the things that make you happy! Appreciate what makes your life great, such as your family and friends, hobbies, lifestyle etc. Nothing is stopping you from changing the things you don’t like in your life. Perhaps a new approach would be to look at things with the glass-half-full mindset! For more advice on this topic, check out our post about how to be less pessimistic!

3) Quit Trying To Impress

We are always trying to impress those that we care about, and sometimes even people we don’t know or talk to. Trying to please and impress others is one of the worst horrible habits you could have because you waste so much energy and focus on other people instead of using that energy on yourself. Self-love is essential for us to feel our best and sacrificing your own care is never worth it. You don’t need anyone else’s approval other than your own. Try to please yourself and stop caring about what others think about you. Live your best life and stop trying to influence others to like you. You will attract the right people into your life once you are fully accepting of who you are.

4) You Don’t Always Need To Be Right

We all have our own truth and there are always two sides to every story. Our individual experiences in life will always differ from each other, and sometimes this can lead to conflicts based on who is right and who is wrong. This is the most common way to damage relationships and ruin the mood over something so trivial. Learning to overcome this horrible habit will teach you to be the bigger person long before any possible argument could arise. You might believe that you know the truth about something, however, there are several other possibilities in such a scenario. There could be a piece of information that you weren’t aware of or a different perspective that could make you realise that you were wrong. This is a great example of the first point: stop fearing failure. You do not always need to be right in every fight, so hold your hands up when you are wrong and make a mistake. Check out this article about accountability for more insight!

5) Stop Trying To Control Everything

The desire for control is one of the hardest horrible habits to break because it is often a part of a person’s personality. To want to be in control is wanting everything to go according to your plan. Everybody has their own vision of how things should happen and it is simply impossible to control everything. Being a ‘control freak’ is common in those that suffer from anxiety because having things go strictly their way can remove the factor of unpredictability, something that anxiety sufferers often fear. The truth is that no matter how hard you try, life will always have its own course of action and things will eventually escape your control. The sooner you realise that you can’t control anything, the quicker you will be able to live a more free and enjoyable life. Leave the stress of planning and overthinking behind you. We understand it is not an overnight change but a process that takes time, but if you make that first step today you will already be far closer to a better life than you were yesterday!

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Earth Style Blog

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