How To Say No Without Feeling Like The Bad Guy

Earth Style Blog
5 min readSep 7, 2022

Now is the time to stand up for yourself once and for all. Constantly doing things that you don’t want to do for the benefit of others is wrong. When are you going to say no and show others that you don’t get to be pushed around? Today, we are discussing how to say no without feeling like the bad guy!

Image Credit: Maria Orlova

We are always encouraged to be kind and good to others. Being nice to people is supposed to show our character and what we stand for. However, what happens when your kindness or agreeability is taken advantage of?

Well, you end up doing things for the benefit of others rather than yourself. Now, doing good things for others is important. A kind deed goes a long way when building up relationships and the favour could be returned when you are in need of kindness.

But is an act of kindness genuine if you are pressured into doing something against your integrity? We would say not. Allowing yourself to be pushed around and pressured into saying yes is not how you want to live.

Although we are also taught that honesty is the best policy, we are told that being friendly and amiable is more important. However, if you want to learn how to say no without feeling bad about it, you have to choose honesty first.



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