Becoming a Virtual Assistant (The Guide in 2024)

16 min readJun 27, 2024


Are you considering becoming a virtual assistant and transforming your professional life?

Discover how this versatile and growing profession can be the key to your geographic and professional freedom . It is also an excellent opportunity for additional income , by optimizing your skills and your available time.

Stay with us for a practical guide to juggling digital tasks and tools, and making virtual assistantship your springboard to success.

The Job of Virtual Home Assistant: Definition and Overview

Working from any corner of the world, with only a computer and an internet connection, that’s an attractive prospect, isn’t it?

That’s the enticing promise of the virtual assistant profession. But what does this profession really consist of?

A virtual assistant is comparable to an executive assistant or a multi-skilled employee in the digital world. It represents essential support for a company or entrepreneur, supporting a variety of missions.

And this variety is much wider than it seems.

A virtual assistant can be called upon for a wide variety of tasks.

In fact, the services you can offer are endless and mainly depend on your education, experience and skills.

Concretely, you will be required to carry out tasks such as:

  • Make phone calls,
  • Manage customer service,
  • Perform research on the Internet,
  • Manage a calendar,
  • To input data,
  • Manage email,
  • Take charge of accounting,
  • Write articles on a blog,
  • Manage presence on social networks,
  • Take care of technical support,
  • Plan events,

As you will have understood, this list is far from exhaustive. More generally, a virtual assistant performs all types of tasks that can be outsourced and which allow your client to save time and devote themselves to their job.

The Benefits of Becoming a Virtual Assistant

If you’re looking for flexibility, variety in your work and a reliable internet connection, becoming a freelance virtual assistant could be the jackpot for you.

Geographic freedom is kind of the ultimate dream, right? Working from your couch, a trendy café or even a beach in Bali is a dream come true.

And that’s not all, know that you are in charge : you choose your clients, your schedules and, to a certain extent, your prices. Basically, you are the boss on board.

The evolution of the virtual assistance market

Did you know ? The virtual assistance market is booming.

According to a study by Mordor Intelligence , the intelligent virtual assistant market size is estimated to be worth $14.77 billion in 2024 and, hold on to your hats, is projected to reach $60.83 billion by 2029 , growing at a staggering CAGR of 32.72% during the forecast period (2024–2029).

Suffice to say that there is room for everyone and that the demand for competent and versatile virtual assistants continues to grow.

If you’re still hesitant to dive into this world, let me tell you that maybe now is the time to jump on the bandwagon.

With growth like this, the opportunities are as vast as the ocean and just waiting for you to dive into them. So, are you ready to take the plunge?

Skills and Training

Key skills for success

To stand out in the world of virtual assistants, it is crucial to master a specific set of necessary skills.

You don’t have to be a superhero, but let’s just say a few superpowers wouldn’t hurt.

1. Administrative technical and management skills

Here, we are talking about mastering office tools, managing emails, planning agendas and maintaining databases.

You must be comfortable with communication technologies such as Skype or Slack. It’s a bit like juggling balls on fire, except here the balls are administrative tasks and the fire is the tight deadline.

2. Communication and project management skills

Communicating is the art of getting a message across, clearly and tactfully.

If you can explain to your grandmother how to use Facebook without her feeling lost, you probably have what it takes. Project management is about making sure that each piece comes together at the right time to form a coherent and effective whole.

As in a sports team where each player has a key role, in project management, each task and each team member must work together to achieve the common goal.

Train to become a virtual assistant

There is no special training required to become a virtual personal assistant.

It is essential to highlight your skills and experience in order to win your first clients and gain a place in the market.

No need to chase a scroll to prove your skills.

But be careful, this doesn’t mean you have to jump into the arena without armor. Training can be a real lever for boosting your credibility.

Flex your muscles — metaphorically speaking — with well-presented skills and experiences, and you’re ready to win over your first clients.

Whether you choose to be a virtual IT assistant, a virtual accountant, a virtual assistant administrative secretary, or a virtual communications maestro, your area of ​​expertise is your arena.

The key is to find your niche, refine it until you are the ace of aces.

The profession is only virtual in title, in reality you provide assistance to your clients as a traditional executive assistant would. Except that here, you will carry out your work from home which pays .

In short, no specific academic training is required to work as a virtual assistant. However, certain key skills are essential to succeed in this field and attract your first clients. The main ? Excellent command of office tools, strong written/oral communication and administrative management skills.

Start and Develop your Virtual Assistant Career

The foundations of a successful career

Starting your virtual assistant career is a lot like building a house. You start with the foundation. Without it, everything else could collapse like a house of cards. So let’s talk about the solid foundation on which you’re going to build your success.

Establish your service offer

To start, clearly define what you are going to offer. What services will you offer? At what prices? It’s about laying the foundation stones of your empire. Be specific, because a clear message attracts customers who are reassured by your professionalism.

Building your portfolio and online presence

Creating a portfolio is like opening a window onto your expertise. It should reflect the quality of your work and the diversity of your skills.

And don’t forget to mark your online presence, by being active on social networks and professional platforms. This is where the world will discover you!

Strategies for gaining experience and customers

Once the foundation is in place, it’s time to take action to gain experience and attract clients. Here are some proven winning strategies.

Develop your skills

In a world that changes at lightning speed, continuing education is not an option, but a necessity. Certifications can make your resume shine and make you stand out in the sea of ​​candidates. Stay competitive, stay sharp.

Participation in collaborative projects

Experience is a bit like the currency of the kingdom of employment. And to win, there’s nothing better than getting your hands dirty.

Look for online project opportunities or temporary assignments. Show what you are capable of and build your reputation brick by brick.

Professional networking

Networking is a lot like fishing. You cast your lines into the waters of social networks, niche groups and forums. Be patient and authentic, and you might just land the big fish — a dream prospect or a valuable mentor.

Creation of personal content

Do you have tips, experiences to share? Start a blog or a YouTube channel .

Not only is it rewarding, but it can also position you as an expert in your field.

And who knows? Maybe a future customer will come across your content and will no longer be able to do without your services.

Marketing and networking strategies

Digital marketing is the art of making yourself known . Use it to your advantage to promote your services.

Be where the eyes are and make sure those eyes turn into opportunities.

Use freelance platforms and social networks

Freelance platforms are like showcases where you can showcase your talent. Sign up, polish your profile, and clients might just come to you.

And let’s not forget social networks, powerful marketing and networking tools. Use them wisely to build connections and expand your professional network.

Dear aspiring virtual assistants, this is the path paved with good intentions and concrete strategies.

Follow it, and your career as a virtual assistant will not just be a dream, but a thriving reality.

Tools and Technologies

Working as a virtual assistant is a bit like being the Swiss army knife of the digital age. You have to juggle tasks, communications and project management, often all at the same time.

And guess what? There are tools for that. But not just any ones, no.

I’m talking about tools that are as essential to you as the air you breathe.

Essential tools for the virtual assistant

Managing a project without the right tools can be as tricky as cutting a tomato with a spoon — doable, but glaringly ineffective.

Fortunately, there is an array of software that can transform your daily chaos into an organized symphony.

Take for example project management software like Trello , Asana or .

These platforms are the holy grail of organizing. They allow you to create task lists, assign missions to other team members, and monitor the progress of the project in real time.

But what would a virtual assistant be without effective communication tools? Slack or Microsoft Teams , for example, allow you to chat, exchange files and collaborate with your clients or team as if you were in the same room.

And with Zoom or Google Meet , remote meetings become almost easier than face-to-face.

And then there is personal organization. Tools like Google Calendar or Calendly are not there just to look pretty. They play a crucial role in managing your diary and scheduling appointments efficiently, eliminating the incessant need to exchange emails to find a common slot.

Master technology and online platforms

Technology moves faster than a cheetah running at full speed. And for a virtual assistant, not being up to date is like missing the last train of the evening. You have to stay up to date, my friends.

Technology monitoring is your new best friend. You need to be on the lookout for the latest updates to your favorite software and emerging platforms.

Because yes, today it’s Slack that’s in vogue, but tomorrow? Who knows, maybe a new platform will revolutionize team communication.

And let’s talk about online platforms. LinkedIn, Upwork, Fiverr — these names resonate in the online assistant universe.

You need to know them like the back of your hand, because that’s where you’re going to find your clients, network, and show the world your brilliant skills.

It’s by mastering these tools and technologies that you’ll truly shine. Imagine being able to say to a potential client, “Oh, you use Notion for your content management? No problem, I’m already a pro. » It’s music to their ears.

So don’t let technology overtake you. Embrace it, learn it, and use it to become the virtual assistant that even virtual assistants want to hire.

Develop and Sustain Your Activity

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, it’s not enough to just start a business — you have to cultivate it, nurture it and, most importantly, adapt it to changing market conditions so that it thrives in the long term.

It’s a bit like a gardener who takes care of his vegetable garden: he must not only plant his vegetables, but also nourish them, protect them and sometimes diversify his plantings to guarantee a harvest all year round.

You follow me? So, let’s dive into the strategies to expand your range of services and optimize the management of your business.

Expand your range of services

Wondering how to stay competitive and relevant in the market? It’s simple: innovate and diversify .

Imagine you’re a chef famous for your beef bourguignon — it’s your specialty.

But what happens if your customers start to love vegan cuisine? You could ignore the trend…or you could see it as an opportunity to expand your menu.

In business, it’s the same.

To stay in the race, you must:

  • Analyze the market : Keep an eye on trends, new technologies and the changing needs of your customers.
  • Listen to your customers : They are your best source of information. What are they asking? What are their pain points?
  • Innovate : Offer new services that complement the ones you already offer. If you are a virtual assistant, why not offer project management or social media management?
  • Test : Experiment by starting a small pilot project for a new service and observe the reception it receives. Numbers always reveal the truth!

Business Management and Growth

For the management and growth part, there are two words that you must engrave in your mind: retention and diversification. For what?

Because it costs up to five times more to win a new customer than to keep an existing one. And because putting all your eggs in one basket is risky.

Customer loyalty techniques

Loyalty is the art of transforming a one-time customer into an unconditional fan. Here are some tips:

  • Provide impeccable service : Being good is good. Being excellent is better.
  • Personalize the experience : A little personalized note can make all the difference.
  • Create a loyalty program : Set up a loyalty program to reward your repeat customers. After all, they’re worth it, right?

Expansion and diversification of services

Diversifying is a bit like playing several card games at once — if you lose at one, you can always win at another. To diversify:

  • Explore new markets: How about offering your services internationally?
  • Add strings to your bow: If you are a copywriter, what do you think about training in SEO?
  • Create partnerships: Two companies can sometimes create stronger synergies than one alone.

In short, to develop and sustain your business, you must be agile, attentive and always ready to adjust your strategy.

It’s a bit like being on a surfboard and learning to ride the waves — some will carry you far, others will be harder to master, but with practice and persistence you’ll hold on.

So, are you ready to ride the wave of success?

Practical Tips and Resources

When diving into the exciting world of virtual assistantship, it’s crucial not to get overwhelmed. You are your own boss, and that’s great, but watch out for work overload!

To avoid ending up exhausted before you’ve even started enjoying your newfound freedom, I have a few strategies to share.

Tips for Maintaining Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is like the Holy Grail of the modern era, isn’t it? We all dream of it.

But when you work from your living room, the line between professional and personal life can become blurred. Here are some proven tips:

  • Create a dedicated workspace . Even if it’s just a corner of the table, the important thing is to know that “this is the office”. When you’re there, you’re working. When you’re not there, you’re living.
  • Set times and stick to them . Like you have to clock into an office. Start at a set time, take regular breaks and, above all, know when to turn off the computer.
  • Learn to say no . This applies to clients who ask for the impossible and to those around you who think that working from home means being available 24/7.
  • Get active . Move, stretch, dance to your favorite song… Stay active to keep a healthy mind in a healthy body.
  • Disconnect . Yes, I know, it’s ironic coming from a digital geek like me. But your brain needs a rest, away from screens. Read, meditate, spend time in nature. Your work will be better for it.

Resources to continue learning and growing

The world is changing at breakneck speed, and virtual assistantship with it. To avoid falling behind, it is essential to continuously train. Here is a non-exhaustive list of resources to stay on top:

  • Blogs : Gems like Virtual Assistant or The VA Handbook are full of practical advice.
  • Podcasts : “The Virtual Assistant Show” and “Being Freelance” are my favorite listening companions. They combine inspiration with practical tips.
  • Webinars : There are many, often free, and they are a gold mine of information. Stay tuned for upcoming social media webinars.
  • Online training : Sites like Udemy or Coursera offer online courses to improve your skills in almost any field.

As a digital veteran, I tell you: investing in your professional development is one of the smartest decisions you will make.

And remember, change is also an opportunity for growth.

So, ready to become a balanced and constantly evolving virtual assistant? Get started, the digital world is waiting for you!

How to Become a Recognized Virtual Personal Assistant?

1. Find your first customers

To start, I recommend working on easy, low-paying tasks . This will allow you to start getting familiar with the profession and building your reputation.

Look around you: anyone who may potentially need your service, contact them first and offer to help them. This can be: friends, family, former colleagues, a former boss with whom you have kept good relations…

In short, look at your entire family and professional network .

If you have trouble getting something in this area, register on a specialized platform for connecting with potential clients.

These sites take a percentage of your earnings in return for the visibility they offer you.

Here are 2 that you can visit:

  • (interface and offers in English) is one of the largest freelancing platforms in the world. It offers numerous job offers for very varied missions and for all budgets.
  • the principle of this is different, the customer, instead of posting an offer, consults your profile and orders one of your services.

2. Collect as many testimonies as possible

Put yourself in the shoes of a client for a moment: you are looking for your virtual assistant to delegate the administrative management of certain tasks in your business.

What matters most to you? Reliability: knowing that I can entrust these tasks to a person who will do the job perfectly and meet deadlines .

And for that, nothing better than the testimonials of other customers of the virtual personal assistant. Isn’t it?

So when you’re starting out, your goal is to get as much positive feedback as possible.

The more positive ratings you get, the more your profile will be highlighted. Consequently, you will have more customers… A virtuous circle that is to your advantage.

3. Work on your offer and your target

Now that you’ve landed your first clients, you’re starting to understand several things:

  • The tasks you like to do and the ones you really don’t want to do
  • The most profitable tasks
  • The type of clients you enjoy working with and those to avoid
  • The type of customer who accepts higher rates more easily

Based on this, you will narrow down your service offering to the most profitable tasks that you enjoy doing.

You will also reduce your search for new clients to those you like and who pay the most by filtering by sector of activity, by type of client (small business, influencer, public figures, etc.)…

This will allow you to earn more, because by focusing on a service and a particular target, you become an expert in this field and your price increases.

It will also allow you to appreciate the activity you do since you do it for people who appreciate your work and know your value.

4. Don’t let go of your customers easily

When a project is finished. The worst thing to do is to do nothing!

Take the initiative and actively engage throughout the project, seizing every opportunity for dialogue with your client to strengthen collaboration and project success:

  • Ask questions to understand these problems, these concerns.
  • Prepare a list of suggested tasks that you can help him with.
  • And, when the time is right, send your list to trigger new tasks and thus keep your customer as long as possible.

For example, you’ve heard that your client is having trouble finding time to plan their upcoming summer vacation. Offer to do it for him for free .

If the work is accomplished as planned, he will certainly offer to manage all of these future professional and personal trips and this time, you will be paid.

5. Get recommended

The best customer is the one you get through a recommendation. First, because they are already 80% convinced of your value, then it is the ideal time to review your rates upwards.

For that :

  • Systematically ask your clients, after the success of a project, if they can recommend you to 1 or 2 of their contacts
  • Be very specific about the type of customer you are looking for and the type of service to make their life easier.

What Salary for a Virtual Assistant?

The salary of a virtual assistant depends on several factors : the price, the number of hours you wish to devote, the level of experience, etc.

In the table below you will find some examples of prices for an average virtual assistant per hour.

Then simply multiply by an average monthly number of hours and deduct your expenses (what you owe to the state) using this simulator .

These rates are not an absolute rule, each situation is different and several factors come into play, but this can be a basis to give you an idea.

LEVEL OF EXPERIENCECUSTOMER TYPETYPE OF SERVICEHOURLY RATEBeginnerno targetingVarious services7 to 15 € / hourSeniorA defined targetSome services with added value16 to 29 € / hourExpertA precise target1 or 2 high value-added servicesMore than €30/hour

What Status for a Virtual Assistant?

To work as a home assistant, the most suitable status is that of micro-entrepreneur.

This status allows you to benefit from a simplified tax regime, if your annual turnover does not exceed €72,600.

Thanks to this plan, you benefit from the following advantages:

  • No VAT to be invoiced up to the threshold of €34,400,
  • Simplified accounting obligations ,
  • Very simplified methods of calculating and paying social security contributions
  • Flat rate deduction of 34% of turnover for the calculation of your income tax.

In short, opting for self-employed status means choosing the easy way out for an activity like virtual assistance.

You can say goodbye to sleepless nights trying to untangle the threads of French taxation — because, let’s be honest, we all have better things to do.




Established in 2019, eAssistant is a new business venture rapidly signing international clients and growing it’s virtual assistant services.