social media virtual assistantThe Advantages of Hiring a Social Media Virtual Assistant

2 min readMay 24, 2024


All of the above sounds good, but how does it actually look in practice? You’d be surprised at the kinds of advantages that kick into effect as soon as you make the hire. Let’s take a few of the most immediate:

Virtual Assistants are Qualified

For many, the idea of hiring a virtual assistant means turning over the work to someone less qualified. But with niche virtual assistants (like with virtual social media assistant), you’d be surprised at the high level of education, training, and experience. For example, according to, over 59% of all virtual assistants — niche or otherwise — have a college education.

Likewise, according to a survey of successful VAs, the most in-demand VA skill in 2019 was social media management.

Not only are VAs highly qualified, but they’re increasingly flocking to areas like social media. That gives you a wide pool of VAs to select from.

Virtual Assistants are Relatively Inexpensive

Let’s say you were to hire a full-time social media manager at your company. You wouldn’t only have to pay the salary of this individual, but you would have to think about benefits, payroll issues, and much more. And given that an eight-hour-a-day commitment doesn’t always lead to the kind of productivity you might squeeze out of four hours of dedicated work from a virtual assistant — all of which are on the clock — then you begin to see how hiring someone full time can sometimes be an inefficient way to go about it.

Also Read: A Day in the Life of a Business with a Social Media Virtual Assistant

hire a social media virtual assistant,— even those with enough skills to demand a high pay per hour — still have an advantage over their full time counterparts. And because virtual assistants have the advantage of being more flexible — often working as a freelancer or on an hourly basis — it means that businesses are free to set their own budgets.

Also Read: Virtual Assistant For Real Estate Agents:




Established in 2019, eAssistant is a new business venture rapidly signing international clients and growing it’s virtual assistant services.