Why You Should Write a Love Letter To Your Family


4 Reasons to Gift Your Letter Now!

  1. A Priceless Gift

When you make a decision to write a Love Letter to your family, it’s not just a note left on the counter for the kids. It’s not a “Honey Do” list. It’s a gift coming straight from your heart and it’s filled with Love, Honesty and a Legacy.

It’s a message that will organize your thoughts, a tangible expression of your love for them. It’s a roadmap of your lives together paved with conscious thought and mindful expression. Our families, are usually the only one we get. Of course there are a few exceptions. Taking the time to sit, reflect and put your words on paper, (not on a computer), is a gift to them that holds no monetary value. Days from now, months and years, even decades and centuries from now, whosoever heart and hands this paper passes, will hold deep feeling and connection that will never ever go away.

2. An Impact That Can Never Be Duplicated.

Your words, your thoughts and your memories. No one else in the entire world can leave a gift as unique and important as yours. It doesn’t matter if you think you aren’t a good writer or have no talent. None of that matters. You can speak right? That’s how you will write your Love Letter. You will speak it, think it and as you do, you will write it. Easy peasy! What matters is, you are doing it. So go ahead and believe you’re not a writer and you aren’t creative. You still have the power if you have the motivation to do this.

Things change in an instant, we all know this. Death, divorce, marriage, births, relocating, college and so much more. However, it doesn’t matter if they have the same titles, they are completely different for each and every one of us.

Your words and feelings will touch hearts more than you’ll ever realize. It’s these words that will have a profound effect on another person’s life. It’s your thoughts that will validate their relationship with you and give them the deep set roots that they need to feel. Sure, your family knows that you love them but at least once in your lifetime, put the feelings and emotions in writing so it cements in their hearts and minds. Be gentle, be loving, be raw and honest. Most of all, be serious about your convictions.

3. Expressing Yourself Today, While You Can.

I write what I write about and do what I do because of unwanted and unexpected tragedies in my life. I am here to tell you that I know first hand about the repercussions of the changes in your life that you don’t see coming.

A Spouse who gets the flu or terminal illness and misses the opportunity. A Parent who doesn’t know they have heart disease and doesn’t wake up from a nap. The young Mother who has an adverse reaction to medication, has a seizure and hits her head on the corner of a TV stand leaving 3 tiny babies behind. How about the Dad who runs across a busy street to get a coffee at
7–11 and gets struck by a car. Or the Cousin who was waiting on a liver transplant list and never makes it to the top. Should I go on?

The point being, I’ve lived it and I now know. If only one of you reading this blog today sit down and write a Love Letter to your family, I’ve accomplished my mission here. Whether it be to your spouse, your parent or child, or all of them together, give them the extraordinary gift of the real you. Don’t put it off or wait until a rainy day. The rainy day will never come, believe me. Make a plan, put it on your calendar and make a date with yourself with some lined paper or small notebook and begin the journey. Do it for them, do it for you.

4. You Can Change the Course of History

Some of my work involves letters like these, only I help create them via Video and Audio. To see the face on young children who repeatedly listen to their Dads dreams and wishes for them, year after year, priceless. They would have never known their Dad any other way. Now they can go back and refer to these and know that they were loved beyond measure. How else would they have really felt that connection and bond. There is no other way. Without the videos and audios of him looking at them directly through the camera, and speaking to them with true conviction, they would never have known much about their Dad except for the words their Mom tells them, once in a while.

To hear a widow cry about missing her soulmate, the love of her life and never getting to hear his voice or words again, gut wrenching. To hear a widow tell me about the keepsake recorder treasure she keeps by the side of her bed, that can be turned on any night she needs to hear him, priceless.

Leaving a Love Letter for your family is not only “just in case” you aren’t here next year. It is just in case you are here as well. To tell them how much they are loved and wanted is worth all of the money they will ever have in their lifetime. We all want to feel connected. There are millions of people in the world who are lonely. Loneliness and disconnect, are real. I can bet there are several people on your own block who are feeling really lonely today and you don’t even know it.

Our words have power. When we speak them, they resonate and can last for sometime. Perhaps they can change a person’s day or week. But to have a written word is not only powerful, but can have profound effects psychologically, and in the dynamics between the two of you. Talk about your past with them, talk about your present with them and more importantly, talk about what you hope for them in the future. Yes, of course you may be there to live through that future with them. But just in case God has other plans for you in the meanwhile, Get your Love Letter done now, while you can.

Life changes for all of us by the second. Create on paper your memories, thoughts, experiences and grand wishes for the ones you love. And if it does change, you’ll have implemented and weaved the roots of the tree you have created. If life doesn’t change, your Love Letter will have them smiling and loving you to the moon and back. Either way, it’s a win win!

If you need a few ideas, incentive or help, feel free to reach out.
The Legacy Doula 631.946.8100



The Legacy Creator via East End Doula Care

Biography Susan Capurso is an End of Life Doula, Legacy Creator, Workshop Presenter, Consultant and Author of “Remember Me — The Story of My Life”