Intermittent Fasting Shakes And Smoothies For Weight Loss

Fasting Secrets by Tim
5 min readJun 18, 2020

One thing that makes losing weight fun and enjoyable is when shakes are allowed! I focus my articles and my coaching on intermittent fasting. None of these shakes in this article are meant to be consumed during your fasting phase, rather, they’re a smart and healthy option during your eating phase to help boost fat loss and muscle building. Fill up with these options and you’ll find intermittent fasting mixed with shakes as an easy way to get healthier!

Peanut Butter Milkshake

(Find the recipe here)

My wife (Shelbie) loves anything with peanut butter! This go-to option is packed with healthy fat to keep you feeling full and satisfied throughout the day. Since it’s so sweet, eat a few carrots or some celery before drinking this shake if you’re just breaking your fast. Getting in some vegetables before something sweet really helps to get your body in the right direction after fasting for 16+ hours.




Fasting Secrets by Tim

Intermittent fasting coach. Exercise Scientist. Fasting saved my health. Don’t you DARE let the world change you when you were born to change the world.