Relating Acne and Fasting

Fasting Secrets by Tim
6 min readJul 7, 2020

Is there anyone out there who actually likes acne on their face or skin? I would say no, right? Acne can be embarrassing at any stage in life and commonly shows up on the face, forehead, chest, upper back, and shoulders. It’s mostly worse during our years of puberty, but can easily creep in during any age of adulthood.

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What do you do? Pop it? Cover it up with makeup? Stay away from public settings? — I recently did some extensive research on the effects of intermittent fasting on acne and here’s what I found…

Celebrities are using intermittent fasting as a way of keeping up with the high demand of a fit body and image of a low body-fat percentage. Could intermittent fasting also be one of their secrets for youthful-looking skin clear of blemishes, pimples, and zits?

First, let’s understand



Fasting Secrets by Tim

Intermittent fasting coach. Exercise Scientist. Fasting saved my health. Don’t you DARE let the world change you when you were born to change the world.