Top 10 Reasons To Design A Custom Engagement Ring

Livia Diamonds
9 min readJul 24, 2023

The days of limited options for engagement rings in Toronto are a thing of the past. Today, people are increasingly getting creative with the look and design of the ring they use to propose. Custom engagement rings have changed the game — for the better. If you are thinking about proposing this sometime soon, they are the perfect way to show how much you love your partner. They are original and you can add special meaning to them with the design elements you choose to include in the rings design. You can now literally design a custom engagement ring anyway that you want. You choose the precious metals, the diamond, ring setting, and other design elements to give your bride to be the perfect engagement ring — A ring that your partner could never say no to!

Why Designing a Custom Engagement Ring Makes It the Perfect Ring for Your Proposal

The engagement ring is a symbol of the love and commitment that a couple shares. It represents a promise of a lifetime of love and partnership. The perfect engagement ring is an expression of individuality and personality, which is why going for a custom design is an excellent choice. A custom-made engagement ring stands out from the rest, as it is tailored to your specifications and preferences. Every detail, from the center stone size, cut, and color to the band’s thickness and metal is personalized. With a custom engagement ring, you can create something truly unique and special that reflects your love story. It’s the ideal choice for those who want something more than just an ordinary engagement ring. With a custom ring, you can design a piece of jewelry that will become a cherished family heirloom and a symbol of your love for years to come.

Local Toronto jewelers inspecting diamond engagement rings.


If you are considering the custom ring option, here are 10 reasons why you should choose this option:

  1. EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY: Designing your own ring ensures you can include the highest quality elements. You have the ability to choose the cut and carat of the stone, the type of gemstone used (such as diamonds, blue sapphire or lab grown diamonds), and you have a say in the level of quality for all other aspects of the engagement ring. You can make sure your loved one gets the best of the best.
  2. UNIQUENESS: One of the best reasons to design a custom ring is that you will be giving your partner something that is truly one of a kind. No one else in the world will have the exact same ring. That’s not something that many people can say, and your partners will cherish you for it!
  3. NO COMPROMISING: When you decide to go the custom design route, you don’t have to compromise on any aspect of the design of your engagement ring. You get to choose the elements you want to include in the ring, and you don’t have to settle for a pre-made design that you typically see in most jewelry stores.
  4. PERSONALIZATION: Adding your personal touch allows you to make the engagement ring more meaningful. You can add design elements and personal touches that truly make the ring a symbol of your relationship and love for each other.
  5. IT SHOWS HOW MUCH YOU CARE: Designing a custom engagement ring is the ultimate symbol of your love. It shows just how much you love her and how far you are willing to go to make her 100% happy. The only thing better than proposing, is proposing with a custom engagement ring.
  6. IT IS MORE AFFORDABLE THAN YOU THINK: One of the biggest misconceptions about custom engagement rings is that they are significantly more expensive than rings you typically see in jewelry stores. The truth is that you can design a custom ring for any budget and the total cost is often only slightly more, with the benefit of designing the ring the way you want it.
  7. YOU ARE INVOLVED WITH EVERY STEP IN THE PROCESS: Buying an engagement ring is a special time in your life. Having the ability to be involved with the design and every step of the process makes it more memorable and meaningful. You come up with the ideas, provide your input, choose the diamond, and approve the final design.
  8. IT’S A FUN AND EXCITING PROCESS: Designing a custom engagement ring is a fun process, and you will learn a lot about engagement rings and jewelry. There is something intriguing about learning about how engagement rings are made and you will be proud to know that you had a hand in creating the ring your partner will wear on their hand for decades to come.
  9. YOU CAN GET EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT: Giving your partner exactly what they want is often the goal when shopping for engagement rings in Toronto. Custom designing the ring lets you do this. Many people have an exact idea of what they want — and your partner knows best! You can give them the dream ring they have always wanted.
  10. YOU GET EXPERT ADVICE: When you custom design a ring, you have an engagement ring expert at your disposal. You can talk with them about design ideas, make suggestions and get advice — all of which will help you turn your ideas into the perfect diamond engagement ring for your loved one.
A women hugging her husband showing off her diamond engagement ring.

What are Custom Engraved Engagement Rings?

Custom engraved engagement rings are a popular choice for couples who want to add a personal touch to their custom engagement rings. A custom engraved engagement ring is crafted to the couple’s specific preferences and provides an element of uniqueness that sets it apart from mass-produced rings. It’s a timeless piece of jewelry that symbolizes the love and commitment shared between two individuals. The engraving can include anything from the couple’s initials and special dates to meaningful quotes and symbols. It is an excellent way to showcase the couple’s personality and values, and it adds a personal touch that makes it all the more special. Couples can choose from a wide range of styles, metals, and gems, making it the perfect way to create a piece of jewelry that is both beautiful and meaningful. Every detail of the ring can be tailored to the couple’s preferences, ensuring that it’s a one-of-a-kind piece that will be treasured for a lifetime. Whether it’s a special phrase, initials, or a significant date, each engraving holds a meaningful story that serves as a constant reminder of the love they share. An engraved custom engagement ring is not just a piece of jewelry; it’s a representation of the couple’s unique love story.

Benefits of Having an Engraved Ring

An engraved ring is more than just a fashionable accessory. It is a personal and meaningful piece of jewelry that can hold significant sentimental value. By engraving a name, date, quote, or message onto a ring, you can create a unique and customized piece that represents a special occasion or memory. Not only that, but an engraved ring can also serve as a constant reminder of a loved one or a meaningful experience. It’s a way to carry a piece of someone or something with you at all times. Additionally, an engraved ring can also serve as a form of identification in case of emergencies. With all these benefits, it’s no wonder why engraved rings have become a popular choice for wedding rings and gift-giving occasions.

Another benefit of choosing to custom design your engagement ring with a local jeweller, is that you can rest assured you will be getting top quality products and exceptional service along the way. Many chain jewellery stores mass produce their products, with the ring’s story getting lost along the way, making the engagement rings impersonal for many people. You will not have this experience with local jewellers, making the experience and the final product that much more personal.

Types of Engraving Options Available

The world of engraving within the custom design process has come a long way over the years, offering a plethora of options that cater to a wide range of preferences. From traditional hand engraving to laser engraving, there are numerous techniques to choose from to personalize your dream ring. Hand engraving remains a classic choice, with its delicate and intricate designs that capture the eye. For those who prefer a more contemporary look, machine engraving and laser engraving provide a sleek and precise finish and are extremely popular within the jewellery industry. With so many choices available, it’s easy to find an engraving option that speaks to your personal taste and style, creating a beautiful and unique engagement ring which will be a favourite for years to come.

Personalizing Your Engraved Ring with Intricate Details

When it comes to a special piece of jewelry that you plan to cherish for years to come, such as a unique custom engagement ring, personalization is the perfect way to make it truly special. With engraved rings, you have the opportunity to add intricate details that reflect your unique style and personality. Whether it’s a significant date, a meaningful phrase, or a design that holds special significance, adding these elements can take a simple ring from ordinary to exceptional. With the ability to personalize your ring with such incredible detail, it becomes a piece of jewelry that tells a story and holds memories that last a lifetime. So go ahead and add those intricate details, and let your ring become a celebration of your one-of-a-kind journey.

An up close image of a diamond engagement ring.

Preserving Memories and Milestones in an Engraved Engagement Ring

An engagement ring is not only a symbol of love, but it can also preserve memories and milestones. One way to achieve this is through engraving the ring with special dates, initials, or meaningful phrases. Every time you look at your ring, memories of the proposal and engagement flood back to you. The engraved messages also serve as a reminder of the commitment and love that you have for each other. From an outsider’s perspective, it may seem like a simple ring, but to the couple, it represents so much more, as it’s a physical representation of the love and memories shared between two people. An engraved engagement ring is not only beautiful but also meaningful and timeless and can be done on the majority of any ring style.

Handwriting and Signature Engravings Using Modern Technology

Handwriting and signature engravings within wedding bands or engagement rings are fascinating when one considers the uniqueness of each person’s handwritten style. Our handwriting and signature can often reveal a great deal about our personality and style, and often evokes memories of loved ones for many people. From the curves and angles of each letter to the size and slant of the script, there is so much encapsulated in each mark. This is becoming increasingly popular today, as computers are able to digitize written text or drawings, reproducing them on the custom piece for a unique ring that is truly one of a kind.

Overall, engraved rings are a meaningful and personal way to commemorate special moments in life, specifically weddings and engagements. From classic engravings to unique custom designs, your engraved ring is a perfect representation of your commitment and unique story. Engraving helps capture memories for life and preserve the moments that make each relationship special. Whether it’s an old family saying, tiny symbols of love or handwriting engravings — engraved rings can forever symbolize the meaning of familial bonds, partnerships and friendship. With plenty of options for customization available, personalized engraving will make your engagement ring or wedding bands unique and a beautiful reminder of all that you’ve shared together over the years. If you want to commemorate this magical moment with the help of an engraved ring, contact our design team today for more details on choosing the right design for your beloved.



Livia Diamonds

We are an independently owned diamond engagement ring store located in Toronto, Ontario.