How We Created the Chat GPT Plugin for Content Generation on WordPress

Kpi Traffic
3 min readAug 10, 2023



Hello! I’d like to tell you about how we created a simple and user-friendly Chat GPT plugin for WordPress. The plugin fills WordPress websites with articles. The plugin is integrated via API with Chat GPT and is named our Easy GPT Content plugin.

How did we come up with this idea?

It’s quite straightforward. We had long been searching for a way to populate websites with unique content quickly and affordably — a dream for nearly any webmaster. When the Chat GPT neural network started gaining popularity, my brother and I decided to give it a try. We wrote a few articles using it and published them on our website. The articles turned out to be quite readable. The search engines quite liked them.

Naturally, we wanted to scale up this process. To achieve this, we first tried various AI plugins. However, we weren’t quite satisfied with them, as they often left articles incomplete. Since the length of the text in tokens was fixed in their prompts, no matter how much content we selected, they would consistently leave articles unfinished. This approach didn’t suit us, so we decided to create our own plugin.

So, what kind of plugin did we develop?

We’ve created an incredibly simple plugin. Keywords are just entered into a field separated by commas. Using these keywords, the neural network generates content. The length of the article depends on the number of keywords provided. On average, the output ranges from 4,000 to 7,000 characters. And there are no abrupt endings — the content flows smoothly. Commands are conveyed to Chat GPT in text format through the API. The prompts are designed to be versatile, but plugin users can customize them to their liking.

Each line of keywords represents one article. You can write as many lines of keywords as you want at a time. It’s possible to generate up to 200 articles per day. Additionally, images can be uploaded to the articles right away, and a watermark can be applied to them.

And here’s how the content looks before publication

The plugin immediately populates the Title, Description, H1, and H2 meta tags. After generation, the plugin suggests reviewing the content before publication and making edits if necessary. Then, a category is selected, and the “Publish” button is pressed. And that’s it!

What’s the cost of generating a single article?

Before using the plugin, the user provides their API key, which is obtained from the OpenAI website. You can also see how much money is spent on generation there. On average, generating a single article costs about 3 cents. We conducted over 400 tests of article generation, and the price has never gone above 3–4 cents per article. Overall, it’s a reasonable price for such quality. In my opinion, the quality is comparable to that of a regular copywriter, though I’m not referring to professionals.

Is a premium account required for using the API?

No, a premium account is not needed. The API has a separate dashboard where you need to link your credit card. Money will only be deducted after a month of usage. So, it depends on how much you spend. By the way, usage limits can be set there. It’s very convenient.

Mini video on how the Easy GPT Content plugin works

If anyone has questions, feel free to ask them in the comments; we will definitely respond. We are always open to feedback from both current and potentially future plugin users. Here’s the link to our Telegram chat. There, you can always ask any questions and receive prompt assistance.

Link to the plugin website:

