My nursery dream

2 min readApr 23, 2018


When I was a child, I had a dream about traveling, I wanted to cross all over the World, and my dream become true with the EasyGuide project, when I grew up.

This Idea can be a tool to make a dream come true for not reach man with a small budget! I remember my trip to Montenegro in 2017…

That time me and my wife, we had an idea, that we could spend less money for expensive trips if we could find a small group of people from social network and begin to travel together. So we found companions — the young couple, same to us. Their age, preferences and interests were coincided to ours. We rented a car together, sharing the expences, and crossing all the Mountenegro country, we maded stops at the places we were interested in. As a result, we spended only 60 EUROS instead 200, also we found the new interesting friends.
After that, the EasyGuide project thought was born. Our project idea, I believe, will be interesting for all the young people, wich are in need of a new experience, seeking to see the whole world opportunity, but, regretly, has funds limitations. I recall the words of A.P.Chekhov, that man does not need three arshins of the earth, but the entire globe, all nature, where on the expanse he could show all the properties and characteristics of his free spirit.

So join us to our project and make your dreams come true!




Decentralized tourism platform that allows tourists to find travel companions, join companies, jointly create tourist routes and safely share expenses