The Journey to 75 BCH: A Path of Purpose and Possibility

eatBCH South Sudan
2 min readMay 17, 2024

As we stand at the cusp of change, our fundraising campaign has gathered momentum, reaching 0.72 BCH. While this marks a significant milestone in our journey, we are still 74.28 BCH away from our goal. This goal, ambitious as it may seem, is not just a number—it's a beacon of hope for thousands of lives we aim to touch.

Where We Are Now

Our current standing at 0.72 BCH is a testament to the unwavering support of our donors. It's a reflection of the trust and belief in our mission to provide meals and smiles to the children, the elderly, and those affected by various challenges in South Sudan. Each contribution, no matter how small, has been a step towards our larger vision.

The Road Ahead

With 74.28 BCH remaining to reach our target, we are calling upon the generosity of our community once more. Your support is not just a donation; it's a lifeline that will enable us to continue our work. It's the difference between hunger and nourishment, despair and hope.

The Impact of Your Support

By achieving our goal of 75 BCH, we will be able to:

  • Expand our meal-sharing programs to reach more vulnerable groups.
  • Increase the frequency of our meal distributions.
  • Offer educational support and resources alongside our meal services.
  • Provide 500 food bags & 1,000 cooked meals, impacting over 2,500 lives in South Sudan monthly.

A Call to Action

We urge you to join us in this critical phase of our campaign. Visit our Flipstarter page and contribute to a cause that goes beyond the immediate—it builds a foundation for a better future. With your help, we can turn our goal into a reality that resonates with the laughter and gratitude of those we serve.

Together, let’s continue to make a difference. Every #BCH brings us closer to a world where many South Sudanese can enjoy the simple, yet profound, joy of a shared meal.

Support our fundraising campaign today and be a part of this transformative journey.

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eatBCH South Sudan

EatBCH is a group of friends doing what we can to help our neighbors in times of uncertainty. Over the last 6 years we have served cooked meals and food bags