Alexis Cole — Chapter 1

1 min readOct 13, 2020


Alexis sat it his chair looking over at the red rucksack on his bed. Caught in a daydream he contemplated how he ended up on this path. He was 16 years old and had no money, but was that a valid excuse for what he was about to do.

When you are poor it seems as though everyone around is intent on reminding you that you are, even your friends. “Listen to this track on my Beats by Dre”… “Look what I’ve got on my iPhone”… “Check out my £300 Nike trainers.”

Alexis looked down at his £20 trainers from Shoe Express that his mum bought him for his birthday. All black so they were easier to clean. People laughed at him as they resembled the plimsolls they were forced to wear in the gym in primary school.

How can you ask your mother for money when she’s struggling enough as it is to feed three kids on her own and too proud to take benefits. His dad? He didn’t know whether he was alive or dead, just that if he was alive,




A Tea Sipping… Cheshire Cat Grinning… Visual Designer, Writer, Scribbler, NFT experimenter, Father. From London, escaped to Vienna.