From Static to Interactive: Innovations in Guest-Facing Display Technology

3 min readJul 20, 2023
guest facing display
Image Source Freepik

In today’s fast-paced digital world, restaurants are constantly seeking innovative ways to captivate and engage their guests. One area that has witnessed significant advancements is guest-facing display technology. Gone are the days of static signage and monotonous advertisements. The advent of interactive display solutions has revolutionized the way restaurants interact with their target audience. This article delves into the exciting developments in guest facing display technology, highlighting the benefits and exploring its impact on restaurants across various industries.

The Rise of Interactive Displays

  • Engaging Visual Experiences with Touchscreens — One of the most significant advancements in guest-facing displays is the integration of touchscreens. Traditional static displays have given way to interactive touch-enabled screens, enabling restaurants to create captivating visual experiences. With touchscreens, guests can actively engage with the content displayed, fostering a sense of connection and interactivity.
  • Gesture Recognition for Intuitive Interactions — Another remarkable innovation in customer-facing displays is the incorporation of gesture recognition technology. By leveraging sensors and advanced algorithms, displays can now detect and interpret gestures made by guests. This technology eliminates the need for physical contact, allowing users to interact with the display simply by waving their hands or making specific gestures.

Applications Across Industries

  • Retail Sector: Reinventing the Shopping Experience — In the retail sector, guest-facing displays have revolutionized the way restaurants connect with shoppers. Interactive displays allow retailers to showcase their products visually appealingly, providing guests with a hands-on experience. Virtual try-on solutions enable guests to visualize how clothing items or accessories would look on them without physically trying them on.
  • Hospitality Industry: Transforming Guest Interactions — Guest-facing display technology has also found its way into the hospitality industry, transforming the way guests interact with hotels, restaurants, and resorts. Interactive displays in hotel lobbies provide guests with valuable information about the establishment, local attractions, and amenities. These displays can be equipped with wayfinding features, allowing guests to navigate the premises effortlessly.
  • Healthcare Sector: Enhancing Patient Education — In the healthcare sector, guest-facing displays have become valuable tools for patient education. Waiting areas equipped with interactive displays offer patients access to educational content, including health tips, preventative measures, and information about common ailments. These displays create opportunities for healthcare providers to engage with patients proactively, fostering a better understanding of medical conditions and promoting overall wellness.

Benefits and Future Potential

  • Enhanced Guest Engagement — The adoption of interactive guest-facing displays has yielded numerous benefits for restaurants. By offering immersive and interactive experiences, these displays capture s’ attention and encourage active engagement. Guests are more likely to remember the information presented through interactive displays, leading to improved brand recall and increased sales conversions.
  • Personalized Experiences and Increased Convenience — They enable restaurants to deliver personalized experiences by tailoring content to individual preferences. By leveraging data analytics and customer insights, they can curate content that resonates with their target audience, creating a more relevant and engaging experience. Additionally, interactive displays simplify the guest journey by providing self-service options, allowing guests to access information or make transactions conveniently, thereby reducing wait times and enhancing overall guest satisfaction.


From static to interactive, guest-facing display with quick service POS system technology has transformed the way restaurants engage with their guests. The integration of touchscreens, gesture recognition, and other innovative features have opened up a world of possibilities, empowering restaurants across various industries to create immersive and personalized experiences. Retail, hospitality, and healthcare are just a few sectors that have embraced these advancements to enhance guest interactions and drive restaurant growth. As technology continues to evolve, guest-facing displays will play an increasingly vital role in captivating audiences and establishing meaningful connections between restaurants and their guests.




eatOS is an all-in-one restaurant point of sale & management system built for restaurants of all sizes that helps improve operations and guest experience.