She wonders how she became part of the experiment.

Just try it. I dare you

eba totes
2 min readOct 14, 2016


In this fun little game called entrepreneur-ism, think made that word up and i’m pleased with it, finding what works and what doesn’t work is tricky in marketing land. You can read as many how to’s as your little heart desires, but sometimes just trying something new it is really all it takes

Because right now, that’s all im doing.

Three months into launching my eCommerce business eba totes there has been little successes and lots of fun failures, but man am I learning what does and doesn’t work. Pinterest still doesn't make sense to me, i create lovely images and i pin blog reviews about my product and they instantly get lost in the pinning world. Plus i had a terrible following and re-pins. Trust me, i read about what “should” work in the Pinterest world, but i haven’t seen the traction they are claiming i “should” have. I wont give up though, not yet.

But that is what it takes, with blogging, creating, selling, YouTube-ing, you have to try a lot of different weird things to see what sticks. And you cant just do them for a week and cry out if it’s not an instant success, you have to give things time and tweak them before you say, “eh, this is a wash.”

Why am I writing articles for Medium, well because why the heck not!! Some articles are personal, some are about our brand, some are complete none sense. But its free, I might see some traffic to my site, and I don’t consider my time money, yet.

But when you find something that does work, build on it. Instagram for me is lovely, and i personally love instagram, its the gift that keeps on giving. But i am constantly testing out photos and sentence lengths to see what gets better reactions and conversation. At this point you have nothing to lose because most of the weird stuff you try out in the beginning will be wiped away in a week. There is simply too much content in this internet world to pay attention to the blunders.

So here i am three months in just clugging away trying some fun and funky stuff to get people to notice my lovely eco-friendly bags.

Maybe this is my jam, telling the big dark world of online how im blundering through my business. Smells like success.

Spread the word. Click that heart, i dare you.



eba totes

eba totes: Creating stylish, versatile bags for everyday life. Twitter: @ebatotes, website: