What is Plea Bargain?

1 min readNov 21, 2022


Plea bargain in law is when an accused charged for an offence ,admits that he is culpable of that offence and is willing to settle the case to find a way of resolving the conflict with the State Ministry of justice.

This implies that the accused must be willing to apologize to the victim for his wrongdoing .

This also connotes the fact that the accused must be willing to assist the victim to recover his property and/or restore him to the position he was before the crime was committed

The accused must ultimately right the wrongs done to the accused in terms of property or items stolen

To apply for a plea bargain,the defendant guided by his lawyer,must write a letter to the office of the State Directorate of Public Prosecutions ,Ministry of Justice,requesting for Plea Bargain

Plea Bargain is free and any defendant who encounter any hindrance in the process of plea bargain should send a petition to the Office of the State Attorney General immediately

Plea bargain facilitates justice delivery by ensuring that the victim is able to obtain speedy justice ,healing process and restoration

Plea bargain is cheaper for the accused instead of paying for legal services for a full trial

The Attorney General of the State has the final approval in terms of plea bargain and the result or outcome of the plea would be communicated to the defendant or defendants lawyer

Thank you




My name is Grace.I studied English and later Law.Am a director with the Lagos state Government and have a passion for writing