Gabriel Ose
2 min readFeb 2, 2024

GPT Image Generation

learning from history and what we have consistently seen over time is a pushback towards new technologies either it been the radio, camera, telegram, Printing Press, electricity, i mean there are still lots of people in my country who believe laundry machines who would make their children lazy. AI and the GPTs both for text generation and image generation has faced massive criticism it reminds me of painters criticizing photography.

‘If photography is allowed to supplement art in some of its functions, it will soon have supplanted or corrupted it altogether, thanks to the stupidity of the multitude which is its natural ally.’ Charles Baudelaire 1859

Photographers, you will never become artists. All you are is mere copiers. Charles Baudelaire 1859

Do you find some of this language similar?? well this is how innovation must go. As an optimist i recognize the importance of innovation and wanting to be part of innovation and progress always i decided to try generating some images and see what i learnt

School of Athens with Robots

I found this result particularly interesting because from what ive seen online it has been primarily been used to re imagine the future but what if we reimagine the past.

Philosopher discussing with a Robot

i even got it to model some native Nigerian clothes and with very realistic looking models

Nigerian men wearing agbada
Gabriel Ose

Dreamer, Data Scientist, Rational Optimist, lifelong Learner