Importance of Javascript(JS) to Web Developers Today

Goodness E. Eboh
5 min readApr 17, 2023


When I first started out in web development, I had no idea how things worked, but as time went on, I realised that Javascript was indispensable in the creation of functional websites and web apps.

I’d like to discuss how useful it is for web development in today’s world.

Brief History of Javascript

Before stating its importance today, let’s take a short trip down memory lane to learn how it all started.

Bredan Eich created Javascript at Netscape Communications in 1995. The concept arose from the desire to create websites that felt interactive and alive to end users. Websites at the time were static, with no ability to change their behaviours and actions based on the circumstances.

Javascript, which was initially known as Mocha, was created in ten days. The name quickly faded, and LiveScript was chosen as a more appropriate name. When Netscape had a licence agreement with Sun, they changed the name to javascript to make it appear to be a companion of the Java Language, which is unrelated to Javascript in any way.

Due to performance and security issues in its early versions, Javascript was not considered a significant programming language. This changed in 2008 when Google’s open-source Chrome V8 included a high-performance Javascript Engine. It and other fast Javascript engines enabled developers to create high-quality and functional web-based applications.

What is Javascript?

Javascript is a programming language that allows you to design or create interactive websites. When websites or web apps aren’t just filled with lifeless readable information, when a web page can update its information on the fly or respond intelligently to user commands, javascript is at work. It gives users the impression that they are in direct communication with the web pages.

Javascript basically picks up where HTML5 and CSS leave off. While HTML5 is the website’s skeleton or structure, CSS provides fonts, colours, and text-size styles. Javascript adds elements such as drop-down menus, sliding bars, animations, and video players to websites, giving them a more alive feel.

Importance of Javascript

At least now that everyone is aware of what JS is and its significant impact on websites and web apps, it’s time to explore some of its importance and how web developers can benefit from it.

Popularity: The most used programming language for creating websites is Javascript. Several well-known corporations, including Google, PayPal, Netflix, Facebook, and Uber, use javascript for their websites and web applications. So, there are many opportunities available for programmers who are proficient in it. Those who want to start web development can choose Javascript because there are so many resources and communities that would make the learning process smooth.

Versatility: Versatility means being able to do a variety of things, which is exactly what Javascript is. It began as a client-side scripting language in which instructions, requests, and data retrieval are all performed on browsers rather than external servers. In other words, code execution occurs on the frontend, making the process faster and less taxing on the servers. Javascript also allows for server-side scripting or code execution on the backend. As a result, no raw data is transferred to the browsers. When programs that require a lot of processing power need to be executed, server-side scripting is preferred. Because Javascript is so versatile, tools are available to help developers create mobile apps, web apps, and games.

Vast Libraries and Frameworks: There are numerous javascript libraries and frameworks available to assist web developers in creating the desired interactive and responsive website/app. These tools make work easier because libraries such as jQuery and React include prewritten code that can be easily used and reused. Developers can create client-side websites with frameworks such as AngularJS, server-side websites with node.js, web apps with React, mobile apps with React Native, desktop apps with Electron, and machine learning with TensorFlow. With these frameworks, the use case of javascript extends far beyond the scope for which it was originally designed, so it is advantageous for developers to be skilled with it.

Responsive Web Design: With the aid of HTML5 and CSS, Javascript makes use of capabilities in its arsenal to enable the creation of websites that can adapt to different screen sizes, browsers, and devices. The contents and related aspects of these websites and apps are typically the same; the only difference between them on different devices is how they are organised and displayed. To do this, developers can use Javascript tools like Montage, Masonry, etc.

Javascript in Today’s Technology

It’s fascinating to see how javascript has progressed beyond simply making websites interactive and responsive. Today, javascript frameworks enable developers to create Machine Learning(ML) and Artificial Intelligence(AI) in web and mobile applications. ML is typically avoided by many developers due to its mathematical complexities. Dealing with concepts like artificial neural networks appeared to be extremely technical. Developers can use JavaScript frameworks like TensorFlow to execute ML models directly in web and mobile apps without encountering too many mathematical complexities. Other frameworks, such as Brain.js and Math.js, make it seamless to integrate ML into JavaScript-based applications.

Speaking of ML, javascript includes game engines that programmers can use to create animations, graphics, object models, and real-time physical simulations for contemporary games. For example, Babylon.js can leverage WEBGL, a 2D/3D Javascript API, to run games on web browsers. Developers can also utilise Javascript game engines like PixiJS and ThreeJS.

These are only a few instances of Javascript influencing recent technological trends. It continues to evolve from an ordinary language for building interactive applications to one of the leading programming languages today.


Javascript continues to demonstrate its ability to develop and mature beyond its original use case. It is a well-designed programming language that aids in the efficient construction of sizable online applications while enhancing their usability, functionality, and adaptability. For engineers who want to stay in the loop, it’s a necessary ability.

I recommend web developers fully familiarise themselves with the various frameworks and libraries available and keep an eye out for additional Javascript technologies that would be built. Based on its current use cases, I think Javascript will have more to offer as time progresses.

