

From the book: The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason, the first law of Gold(Money) has it that: “Gold(Money) cometh gladly and in increasing quantity to any man who will put by not less than one-tenth of his earnings to create an estate for his future and that of his family”.

Thus saving at least one tenth of your income is a necessary if you must attain wealth.

Piggy Vest is an app/platform that helps you save money little by little over a period of time and collect the money when you need it plus interest. One may say I have a savings account. How many times have you ended up touching the money you intended saving in the account? Moreover your bank pays you a maximum of 4% interest which they will still collect ATM maintenance fee and other bank charges after which little or nothing is left for you as interest. PiggyVest gives you 10–12% p.a interest without any charge plus other bonuses. Before I go on, click here to start Saving with PiggyVest. We have a community of savers where you can learn more about savings here: 4im Savings and Investments.

PiggyVest tries to make you imbibe savings as a culture so that as your income alert just comes in, you can easily put away your savings before expenses start rising. PiggyVest achieves this through the following features:

Core Savings: On the App, You can select any amount of money you want to save; the money will be debited from your account and kept in a safe account until you are ready to use the money. You will set the days of withdrawal in a year. Withdrawal on any other day apart from the days you chose will attract a 5% charge. This is to help you maintain the saving culture.

PiggyBank Savings Dashboard

AutoSave: PiggyVest (formerly Piggy Bank) can help you save periodically like daily, weekly or monthly. Imagine saving #200 daily, by month end you have #6,000 sitting somewhere waiting for you plus interest. If you continue like that, by end of year, you will have about #72000. What a nice way to end the year.

Autosave Feature

Thus you select how much you want to save and select the frequency whether daily or weekly. If you don’t have money on a particular day, no worries. It will just skip that day. Click here to start Saving with PiggyVest

In my community podcast — Knowledge Impact Clinic, I did an audio podcast review of PiggyVest and everything you need to know about HOW SAFE IS PIGGYVEST. You can listen here: PiggyVest Review

SafeLock: Sometimes you want to save money for a particular purpose like buying a new phone but after sometime when hunger strikes, you discover you have eaten like half of the money. SafeLock enables you to lock away some part of your savings till a particular day so that you won’t have access to the money or be tempted to touch the money till that day and you will be paid up to 12% as interest. I used safelock to lock 20k in June 2018 for my birthday in September. Though I was broke in September, my birthday was a ball. Click here to start Saving with PiggyVest

Safelock to Lock away savings

Investify: PiggyVest just added an investment feature where you can invest in agriculture, production and industries right from the app. Currently there is an ongoing Rice farm investment where you invest a certain amount that will be used to farm rice and you will be paid back after 9 months with 20% interest.

Investify: Piggy Vest investment feature.


A good market they say sells itself. PiggyVest tries to reward savers on the platform when they invite others to join them to save with PiggyVest. PiggyVest pays you and your friend #1000 each when they register on the platform through you. Thus you get rewards for bringing your friend and your friend also gets reward for joining. To start referring people, you must have used the app to save and written your own piggy stories of how the app has helped you save before you get your own unique referral link. Click here to start saving with piggyVest.

But then your friend must redeem their #1000 bonus before you can get yours. Thus you friend must perform the 3 steps.

i. Fund at least #100 in their flex account.

ii. Save up to #1000 in their piggyBank wallet

iii. Save up to #2000 in their safelock.

Once they have successfully done the 3 processes, after about 10 days, the bonus will be paid into your flex wallet where you can easily withdraw. Thus you must encourage them to do same.

DISCLAIMER : I am not a staff nor am I in any way affiliated to piggyvest management neither am I a part of piggyvest customer care. I am just a user like every other user who has used the platform for almost 3 years thus I speak from personal experience.

You can reach out to me to ask me any question and I will answer from my own personal experience : Ebube Anya | | 07038229702 |

One of the questions I keep getting is HOW SAFE IS PIGGYVEST, so I did an extensive research and recorded an audio review in my community podcast — Knowledge Impact Clinic: You can listen here to my findings on HOW SAFE YOUR MONEY IS WITH PIGGYVEST : PiggyVest Review

I also wrote an article outlining the complete breakdown of How to Get Started with Saving and Investing with PiggyVest. Click here to read the article: How to Get Started with Saving and Investing with PiggyVest

I have a growing Finance whatsapp community where we discuss topics around savings and investments. You may wish to join us here: 4im Savings and Investments

NOTE: If you enjoyed this article, as a way of saying thank you, do register via my link: Click here to start saving with piggyVest or use ebube4im as your referral code so that I can also get the #1000 bonus. Do reach out to me on whatsapp so I can assist to ensure your account is duly active so we both can get out #1000 referral bonus. 07038229702 |

You can also check here for FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.




Passionate about harnessing technology and digital media to solve problems facing Africa and the world at large with interest in innovation,business, knowledge.