Why You Should Start Learning Python Programming ?

Ebuzer Şimşek
3 min readJun 16, 2022


People interested programming more than ever nowadays. If you think like that too, it doesn't matter what your background is, you can learn programming basics in several months. If you decided learning programming, you might think which language i should start with, Python is for you.

Python is high-level programming language and it is a very good way to starting programming. These are why you should start learning python programming.

1- Easy To Learn

There are so many programming languages, python is one of the best option for new programmers. It has very simple syntax and you can redefine variables whenever you want. It is so flexible and comfortable. There are so many developer who can help you about fixing your bugs.

2- Useful

Python has tones of capabilities for developers. It has plenty libraries for different areas. Python can use for web development with Django, Flask, Pyramid, Web2py and Dash libraries. For Machine learning and Data Analysis Python has NumPy, Pandas, TensorFlow, Keras, Matplotlib,SciPy etc. Python also has libraries for automotion such as Pywinauto.

3- Popular

Python is one of the most popular language in the world and it is getting more popular year by year. Easy usage of python became the python most preferable language around new and current developers. Graphs show this popularity will increase in the coming years.

Image Source: Statista

4-Support Of Big Companies

Supporting a programming language is so important for sustain popularity that language, Python supporting from big companies such as Google, Spotify, Netflix, Facebook, Dropbox etc. This usage and support say that Python will remain popular in many years.

Image From: TechVidvan.com

5- Job Opportunities

Python can useable in variety of industries, this can help people to find new and high-salary jobs. For example because of the of the usage of python in data science, python developers can be also data scientist, data analysts, data engineer or machine learning/artificial intelligence engineer. Python developers can earn 110K — 120K$ in USA. This salary range above the most other languages.

Image Source : CodingNomads

Thank you for reading.

