Keith Echague
2 min readNov 3, 2017

“WHOA, that was cool. How can I learn to do that?”

“How do you even art?”

“Why do you think that you can teach dance?”

“Can you teach hip hop?”

Let’s be honest, people that dance hip hop can be pretty intricate at times and it’s pretty cool. But how can they do those intricate movements so easily?!? Maybe some of us viewing this article can do it, but some of us can’t. Now this is where the issue of can hip hop dance be a subject that’s teachable?

Some may argue that yes, hip hop can be taught. But how? A prime example of hip hop being taught is through the video “Dancers Overcome Language Barrier to Choreograph Piece.”

In the video published by Jubilee, we see two dancers, a man and woman, coming together to create a lavishly styled choreographed piece. But here’s the catch. THEY DON’T SPEAK THE SAME LANGUAGE!!!! Crazy right???

But back to subject, two individuals coming together to choreograph and there’s a language barrier. The only means of communicating between one another is only through physical movements. And yet both were able to learn what moves they wanted in their choreography. With this in mind it’s conveying how hip hop and dance can be taught even when the element of words and speaking to one another is out of the question.

How about for the folks out there who can’t interpret those movements as well as those with dance experience can? Do those with this hidden magical power have that ability? Or maybe they’re born with it? Sometimes it is plausible to believe that such a person can be born with a dance gene. Hold up, what’s a “dance gene”? Think of it like Spider-Man where you get a special gene bonded to your DNA, except it’s not super powers. It’s Dance Powers!

Back to the point, take a look around social media (via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and dance studios around the nation or even in your neighborhood. How come a kid at the age of 8 can slay a dance choreo taught to them, but a person without dance experience can?

Think of it like sports or any type of art like playing an instrument. It all takes practice, because dance and hip hop are techniques that are something to be processed in order to become sufficient at. What’s the meaning of “dance being a process”? In order to be the standard you, an aspiring dancer or choreographer, want to be, then being exposed to what you want to do is very helpful.

Now we’re at the end of this discussion and you’re probably wondering what was the use of this article…. WELL! How about testing this theory out? Attempt to take a dance class or try to teach your friends and family a small choreo you made up. Who knows what would happen. Maybe you might be good and might become the next greatest choreographer. Again who knows, but greatness awaits you!