We Are Irish Too - The Rally

It’s time to say no to the deterioration of the Good Friday Agreement

Emma DeSouza
2 min readApr 7, 2019

The #WeAreIrishtoo campaign is rallying together to call on Westminster to respect the Good Friday Agreement.

A recent change in the definition of an EEA national in the United kingdom coupled with the British government imposing British citizenship on all the people of Northern Ireland means that the people of Northern Ireland will not be considered an EU national in the United kingdom, we are to be treated as British and to be among the only EU citizens facing these restrictions.

This goes against the birthright provisions of the Good Friday Agreement and parity of esteem. We have a unique right to be Irish or British or both but it's clear, with Brexit, we have no choice at all.

This development will also create two tiers of Irish citizens with different rights and entitlements within the UK.

Those born in the South who can access and retain their EU rights within the United Kingdom and those born in the North who cannot.

The people of this island did vote in a referendum, the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement referendum, it was overwhelmingly voted for North and South. It’s time the British government respected that result and implements the agreement in full.

If you believe in upholding the Good Friday Agreement right to be Irish or British or both, if you are against the deterioration of the Good Friday Agreement then join us as we say to the British government that they cannot create two tiers of Irish citizens, they cannot take apart the Good Friday Agreement and that We Are Irish Too.

April 20th Belfast City Hall @noon

Speakers to be announced



Emma DeSouza

Just an Irish girl born in the North of Ireland unwittingly thrown into a debate for identity and citizens rights.