2D Games Certified With GameDevHQ

Kenny Pruitt
2 min readApr 28, 2023


I have been working with Game Dev HQ for 3 months now and today I just got 2D Games Certified. I am really enjoying the courses and even though I have built my own published titles before joining, I am still learning a lot.

I have been working so hard between working full time and trying to keep up with this course everyday and it felt like a major accomplishment to get certified today. I was very nervous before joining this course because I didn’t think I would be able to do it. I learned C# and Unity on my own and with the help of friends and I didn’t think that would be anywhere close to enough for a professional level. I assumed it would always just be a hobby and nothing more.

I am really excited to continue my game dev journey though and learn and develop much much more. To be able to get into Unity development with games, AR, or VR applications would be so much fun and I would love to be able to work full time with any of those over what I currently do for work.

For anyone that has tried my Galaxy Shooter game I made, I hope you enjoyed it. I know it was a smaller game with not much to do, but I still tried to make it as enjoyable as possible, and challenging as well.



Kenny Pruitt

Unity Game Developer, C# Developer, and Software Engineer