Ella Milburn
2 min readSep 1, 2016


I don’t know, I just think, as a white person, that the least we can do is listen to the often very legitimate grievances that people who have been discriminated against have (often against the people that have done the discriminating / have not been discriminated against). And also to understand that people with such grievances have a right to feel angry. As the people with privilege I think it makes sense for the onus to be on us to allow for the anger that people might feel, and still listen to what they’re saying. To have privilege doesn’t make someone a bad person, it just means that, by definition, they will have experienced discrimination much less than someone without privilege — another reason why we have to listen, so we can understand. I would argue that we have to get some perspective and realise that different people experience the world in different ways from us and that racism is very real- and people have a right to feel angry about it. Identity politics might be tearing our preconceived notions of society apart, because many white people have thought until now that we live in a post-racial/racist society — but if we can just listen to what people are finally being able to communicate it doesn’t have to tear society apart. If, however, we get offended and angry whenever a person of colour expresses their legitimate discontent in any way that isn’t totally measured conversation, and shut down whoever’s talking and not listen to what they have to say- that’s going to mean more discontent, in a situation where as white people we could maybe start to facilitate real progress — by showing that our empathy can override our pride. Sorry for rambling, and hope you can see where I’m coming from!

