Monk Mode; Complete Mastery Over Self.

Emmanuel Cobbinah
4 min readJun 18, 2023

Everyone deserves to be better than who they were the day before yet many are held back by mental walls they impose on themselves. Procrastination, Laziness, Depression, and Addiction among others are some of the self-imposed limitations we put on ourselves that, prevent us from achieving our full potential.

Since we are the ones who impose those barriers on our minds, we must look no further than within to free ourselves from such limitations. And only when we are truly free, will we be able to accomplish the things we put our minds to. There are many ways to do this, but by far the most effective method I have come across and benefitted from personally is Monk Mode.

Monk Mode is simply a period of immersion free from all distractions. It can last as long as you want but it’s recommended that yours lasts between 21 and 90 days. Everyone has different motivations to undertake this exercise but there are three non-negotiables everyone should inculcate in their period of monk mode. And these are Meditation, Exercise and Complete Abstinence from Drugs and Alcohol.

Meditation; Mastery Over The Mind.

The first non-negotiable is 10 minutes of daily meditation. This helps one to become more aware of their thoughts. Meditation is a way to gain mastery over the mind, a way to become fully cognizant of their surroundings.

They become comfortable sitting with themselves in silence without feeling the need to run away, feel guilty or embarrassed about who they used to be and this opens their eyes to the reality of who they can become; their ideal self. That’s the beauty of meditation.

Exercise; Mastery Over The Body.

Photo by kike vega on Unsplash

The second non-negotiable is at least, 30 minutes a day of exercise. A strong mind is nothing without a strong body, the two have a mutualistic relationship where one cannot exist without the other. Sitting down for prolonged periods of time is toxic to our well-being since our bodies were designed to stay active and mobile.

So it can be taking a walk every single morning, doing some light stretching, a 30-minute run, training to failure or simple yoga, so long as you get to stay active for some part of the day. Once you get in the habit of doing this daily, you will begin to see that discipline translates to other aspects of your life all because you were able to gain mastery over your body.

No Drugs And Alcohol; Mastery Over The Flesh.

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

The third non-negotiable is complete abstinence from drugs and alcohol. ‘The flesh’ is a term which originated from the Bible and it basically refers to our desires. The things that hinder us from reaching the optimum level of holiness we ought to be.

In the same light, it could be anything, video games, pornography, gossip, whatever, but drugs and alcohol are two major things that prevent us from being who we are destined to be. So during your monk period, stay away from any form of alcohol or drugs that will alter the way you think and make decisions. So that you will be ever-present and ready to commit to the task of being the best possible version of yourself. That is when you would have gained mastery over the flesh.

The Fourth Prerequisite; The Custom Variable.

Here, the custom variable depends on what you are trying to achieve during this period. For instance, someone who is looking to get closer and connected to the Creator will commit to praying at least once a day, or someone who is looking to be more social will commit to talking to one stranger every day to build their social skills. It really depends on you and what you are willing to gain at the end of your Monk Mode.

Abraham Lincoln once said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” So if you want to touch new heights in your life, you must first sharpen your axe first and that axe is you and that is what the Monk Mode Protocol should enable you to do. Mastery Over Self.

Please let’s stay connected either in the comment section or via email I honestly cannot wait to hear from you.

Thank You and Have A Wonderful Day.



Emmanuel Cobbinah

Student-Writer Hybrid. Obsessed With Helping Others Become The Best Versions Of Themselves.